Alliance Share

Wulf Clan
Name Wulf Clan
Ticker WC
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-03-06
Closed 2014-04-16
AllianceID 99004232





Our alliance Wulf Clan is primary focused in wh operations-sleepers,mining,pvp,cov-ops.

We accepting only wormhole,highsec or lowsec based corps.We require activity and enthusiasm for life in wormhole space.We accept also new corporations who are just looking to start live in wh.And we will help them.The Alliance does not dictate how you run your corp..every member corp has absolutely freedom.

But we require primary the close cooperation of all corps when some our POSes will be under enemy siege.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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