Alliance Share

Dude...Where's My Corp...
Name Dude...Where's My Corp...
Ticker DUDE.
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-03-18
Closed 2016-01-20
AllianceID 99004279





Do you have a corp that is dead? Were you a carebear who snapped in a fit of rage, because your CEO was raking 20% off the top of your ore buyback program, and you decided to takeover in the most explosive set of hostility and tears? Are you a standard bad guy space pirate, who takes corps over for shits and gigs, only to sit on the sidelines and watch the rage, giggling to yourself like the little girl from the Exorcist?

As the new home of the Belligerent Undesirables vast collection of dead corps, we do not discriminate. We take all of your refuse and trophies!!!

Hostile takeover? Check!
Backstab a friend? Check!
Safari aftermath? Check!

What we offer?


This is a place to admire trophies. (And possibly catch kills from the misguided wardecs of carebears who don't know any better.)

So join your remnants of brokens hopes and dreams of long past corp leadership, and help to see if the collective tears and rage in this single alliance can create a black hole. Because that would be fucking awesome. Just saying.

Join mailing list "Dude Where's My Corp" for reqs.

Proud Supporter of:

Belligerent Undesirables -

The Saviour Of High Sec And The New Order -

EvE Villain -

Psychotic Monk and Erotica 1 for CSM 9!!!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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