Alliance Share

The Star harvesters of indeterminate Tenacity
Name The Star harvesters of indeterminate Tenacity
Ticker TSHIT
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-03-19
Closed 2014-09-12
AllianceID 99004284





The Star Harvesters Of Indeterminate Tenacity where we believe that everyone has a right to make an a profit.

We are seeking All diplomats any time zone.

Please contact directly for diplomatic matters, or alternatively join our diplomatic channel, Bares pubs

if you want u can join our Recruiting Channel Bares pub

The Alliance maintenance fees are due on the 1st of each month, and this amount is set based on your corporations area of operation.

This is what we ask:
1. No current wars on your corporation upon application
2. Must be an active corporation
3. All CEOs must do a background check on new recruits
4. Indy/Mining corp members need to have PI skills, and structure PI for Alliance needs as well as anchoring
5. Consider your Alliance when making purchases. Keep the ISK within the Alliance where possible.
6. Communicate. If you have concerns or suggestions please share them with the alliance management so they can be considered and addressed
7. If we get in to a war you must ship up and do your duty
8. if a CEO or CO-CEO, join the Alliance Fee Mailing List for key alliance information

This is what we offer:
1. Mining ops
3. TS3 Sever
4. Limited ship replacement program
5. Alliance manufacturing for most goods
6. Boost for Mining ops

Looking for:
* ALL Corp types

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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