Alliance Share

Free Galactic Enterprises Alliance
Name Free Galactic Enterprises Alliance
Ticker FREGE
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-04-12
Closed 2014-07-13
AllianceID 99004349





FREGE Alliance policies are as follows:
1. FREGE operates on NBSI. (NOT BLUE SHOOT IT) policy. Real simple.
2. FREGE is not Anti Pirate or Pirate. We don't care what you do, as long as you support our goals.
3. FREGE measures its wealth by our poorest members, not our alliance wallet. We don't want some big fat Alliance wallet laying around doing nothing.
4. FREGE takes part in large scale goals which have a Future. We allows our members to take part and reap the benefits of there hard work.
5. FREGE is an alliance based on few basic ideas: Fun, Teamwork and Constant Direction
6. Minimal 2 dreads and 1 carrier per corp.
7. If you think your corp has what it takes, then get in touch today!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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