Alliance Share

Name 420Alliance
Ticker 420
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-05-22
Closed 2015-01-22
AllianceID 99004469





The 420Mining Academy (formerly the Caldari Miners Union 420) was created with pretty much the same goal that the many other cannibas-centric corporations must have: to bring a group of like-minded players together so that everybody would have a chill group of pilots with which to fleet and chat. Since creating that corporation, we have discovered many "420" pilots and corporations, but not much unity.

In the "real world" there is a movement happening and it gets bigger and more powerful every day. People who smoke cannibas do it for a multitude of reasons and there is growing awareness that it is not criminal to use, even if the laws say otherwise.

My goal for the 420Alliance is the same. Bring the cannibas friendly corporations together and put some power behind our numbers. I do not intend to "control" or do anything that takes you away from what you are currently doing. On the contrary, my goal is to give you more. If all the "420" corporations were to fly under one banner, that would give us a voice in the game and in the "real world" as well.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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