Alliance Share

Saul Empire
Name Saul Empire
Ticker SAUL
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-05-27
Closed 2014-08-26
AllianceID 99004484





(Under Construction)

The Saul Empire was once a vast construct of tightly weaved societies. Different races from all over New Eden filtered into its borders and territories, refugees mostly from the wars. The Empire was soon bustling with markets and other trade. Different forms of networking and communication, even manufacturing plants sprung from its glory. Saul Empire took up the State banner at the turn of the year, supporting the war effort. After its recent collapse in economy several citizens and families evicted from its borders, causing a great decline and depression. Much like a phoenix it rises from the ashes to restore its former glory.
The Saul Empire was established in YC116, covering a vast majority of The Citadel and Black Rise regions. The Empire took to the stars for more exploration and political gain, hosting some of the most tech capable ships from manufacturers such as Servant Sisters of Eve, Lai Dai, Roden Shipyards and even Mordu’s Legion. Saul even pulled in DUST Mercenaries from academies around New Eden to secure their borders within the State, supporting them with Orbital strikes, support vehicles and gear.
Our goal is to support the State, to function as a well-oiled machine. We strive to show determination and excellence in all we do. Politically make alliances with other worldly powers as to help strengthen our cause. Bring in those who seek for a home with like-minded individuals and gain from its experience.

Recruiting corporations that are interested in Faction war or of Like minded influences.
Diplomats and Public channel for Political nonsense of sorts.

EU Diplomat:

US Diplomat:

Dust514 Diplomat: z

Public Channel: Saul Public

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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