Alliance Share

First Empire
Name First Empire
Ticker --E--
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-06-07
Closed 2014-10-08
AllianceID 99004509





The First Galactic Empire, prepare yourselves, the New Order is here.

The aim of the Galactic Empire is to control the material, energy and sentient resources of essentially the entire galaxy. This including quintillions of citizens, millions of inhabited worlds, and billions of systems which lack permanent settlement but are rich in exploitable resources nonetheless. Their civilisation shall also enjoy a phenomenal level of automation in all labour-intensive fields of activity. In equipping its navy and military, the Empire is constrained only by the limits of political will needed to mobilise whatever design and construction processes are desired. Furthermore, despotic regimes are not accountable to the taxpayers for profligate naval expenditure. This Empire can afford, and will choose, to commission only the best possible equipment. Therefore the warships seen in the Imperial Starfleet can reliably be assumed to represent the best possible technology of large fighting ships available under the technology of the day.

To a man/woman each member lives for mud, blood, sweat and tears. An Imperial will not give in, let up, back down or turn his back on his core values. An Imperial is a savior to his allies and a harbinger of the Emperors power to his enemies. He is convinced that all who oppose the Empire will fall by his rifle. Long live the Empire.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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