Alliance Share

Hand of Maak
Name Hand of Maak
Ticker MAAK
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-06-15
Closed 2014-07-16
AllianceID 99004532





Drupar Maak, a Starkmanir Slave, and former Amarrian Palace Secretary, killed his former master with his own scepter while the latter was interrogating three of Drupar's co-conspirators.

It is this simple act of self-preservation that is credited as being one of the seminal events leading to the Minmatar Rebellion.

We take up the fight still, we won't rest till ALL are freed from Amarrian repression.
We are Minmatar Brothers and freedom fighters. Call us Terrorists, call us Pirates, we fight for freedom, and we don't forget.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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