Alliance Share

Enemy Spotted.
Name Enemy Spotted.
Ticker -NME-
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-07-02
Closed 2015-07-04
AllianceID 99004578





-- Enemy Spotted. -- Recruting active PvP Corporations

Enemy Spotted. is a small organised alliance within Caldari factional warfare living within black rise

We're here for good fights, we're not too serious and everyone gets involved in the action.
We have lots of access to small gang and solo opportunities in one of the bloodiest low sec regions in EvE.
We pride ourselves in the fact that we're always up for a fight and lots of our members turn up to militia fleets.

We are currently looking for corporations willing to join us in the fight against Gallente & Minmatar

We Can Offer You>
*>Caldari Faction Warfare
*>Regular Alliance Roams
*>Alliance Contracts / Logistics
*>Active TeamSpeak 3 Server
*>Chilled, Laid-back Environment
*>Daily Fleets
*>Organised Alliance

What we require from you>
*>Basic English Skills (written and spoken)
*>Interest in Alliance Activities
*>Being an Active corporation
*> Positive Caldari Standing

Mira deVorsha

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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