Alliance Share

The Hebrew Hammer.
Name The Hebrew Hammer.
Ticker HEBRW
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-07-10
Closed 2015-08-12
AllianceID 99004597





Ah Shallom when I come.

Legend speaks of a group of warriors, from the homeland of Israel, that shall rise up against groups of baddies in internet spaceships to steal their ISK and smash their EVE lives with
The Hebrew Hammer. (tm).

Theme Song:
"We're Jews out in space
We're zooming along
protecting the Hebrew race

We're Jews out in space
If trouble appears
we put it right back in its place

When goyim attack us
We give 'em a smack
we'll slap them right back in the face

*pew pew lazors*

We're Jews out in space
We're zooming along
protecting the Hebrew race"

Blood OfGODS (Supreme Leader)
Raiden Rattlehead

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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