Alliance Share

Multiplanetary United
Name Multiplanetary United
Ticker MPU
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-07-17
Closed 2015-02-07
AllianceID 99004611





Multiplanetary United (MPU) is a confederation of industrialists, builders, explorers, ore extraction specialists, and traders. Our goal is, and always will be, to make ISK and reinvest it into the success of our member corporations.

We are not interested in the politics of the galaxy, nor are we looking to incorporate drama into our ranks. If you are looking for a new home for your corporation, and you enjoy being a non-combatant, please contact us for more information.

Multiplanetary United is a NRDS alliance.

We do not have any dumb rules for our member corps. We don't care where you set up shop, there are no call-to-arms and no mandatory operations, even in war time. However, all pilots in all member corporations are welcome to join any Alliance Fleet Initiative.


Ahlea Corinth
Jade Corinth

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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