Alliance Share

Bananas in Pajamas
Name Bananas in Pajamas
Ticker SLEEP
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-08-09
Closed 2014-08-24
AllianceID 99004669






Foucsed on small gang warfare and shits and giggles.

----------- Recruiting ----------

Looking for Players or Corporations to live in wormhole space killing anything in sight for any aimless reason whatso ever.

All Levels or experiance welcomed. We will help mold your stupid skull into somthing worth looking at.

We live off a null sec static as well as a c5. Your free to jew in the c5, much of it is soloable if your not derptastic. Otherwise you can group up and its really quite easy. The null sec is the pvp constant.

Convo us for more details: Deadly Plague or Anisha Prakash.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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API J:22 Feb 06:57 K:22 Feb 06:43 C:22 Feb 07:16 A:22 Feb 07:15 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 06:58 S:22 Feb 06:49 W:22 Feb 07:15