Alliance Share

The Jovian Federation
Name The Jovian Federation
Ticker JOVE
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-10-04
Closed 2015-06-01
AllianceID 99004813





The most mysterious and elusive of all the peoples of New Eden, the Jove number only a fraction of any of their neighbors, but their technological superiority makes them powerful beyond all proportion.

Although definitely human, the Jove often seem to the other races as though they are not, the reason being that they embraced genetic engineering as the way to solve any and all the problems which plague the human race. Over the thousands of years since, the Jove have experimented with every kind of genetic modification their technology allowed. As their powers grew, they began to believe they were capable of anything, and this led them into increasingly more bizarre mutations of their bodies and minds, a policy rigorously backed up by strict governmental control.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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