Alliance Share

Absolution Alliance
Name Absolution Alliance
Ticker ABS.A
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-10-29
Closed 2015-07-09
AllianceID 99004877

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [80]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
New EdemDead NEW.E 0 2014-11-05 20:43:00 2014-11-07 20:48:31
Los Tortillas Corp TROTI 16 2014-11-07 16:20:00 2014-11-09 01:51:03
Fractal Industries FRAID Pan-Intergalatic Business Community 319 2014-11-13 20:14:00 2014-11-18 17:50:10
PH0ENIX COMPANY FEN1X 34 2014-11-05 20:43:00 2014-11-20 15:24:15
BuBBleZ UP BLZUP 32 2014-11-06 12:42:00 2014-11-26 04:57:31
TCDU HoldingsDead TCDUH 0 2014-11-07 16:20:00 2014-12-03 11:48:50
Duck - PRIVET... PRIDU 1 2014-11-06 19:42:00 2014-12-03 13:27:39
Community without commitment CWCOM 19 2014-12-01 20:31:00 2014-12-08 19:36:19
ZimranLab Inc. ZIMRA 3 2014-11-11 09:50:00 2014-12-11 11:17:52
absttcomDead ABSTT 0 2014-12-16 10:17:00 2014-12-18 09:06:21
Harington Inc. RONOH 3 2014-11-05 23:43:00 2014-12-23 17:42:50
Unaffiliated. -AFF 42 2014-11-09 12:22:00 2015-01-02 02:54:03
Los Tortillas Corp TROTI 16 2014-12-07 21:46:00 2015-01-04 12:24:30
Mibu Wolves MIBU The Shogunate. 5 2014-11-25 14:30:00 2015-01-04 12:24:30
OneOneCorpDead ONONP 0 2014-11-13 20:14:00 2015-01-04 12:24:30
The Sweet Factory TS.WF 4 2014-11-20 00:41:00 2015-01-08 01:10:52
The Final Solution Inc. -TFS 4 2014-11-13 21:14:00 2015-01-08 20:07:29
Blue Catalyst PB BC 1 2015-01-12 09:53:00 2015-01-15 10:31:08
Lith 'n' Brannor EnterprisesDead LIBR. 0 2014-11-05 08:59:00 2015-01-22 02:27:12
The Irken Armada GIRZ 1 2014-11-05 23:43:00 2015-01-24 23:45:36
Absolution busy corpDead ABS-B 0 2014-12-25 22:08:00 2015-01-29 00:24:51
Red Phoenix Rising ARPR 414 2014-11-05 08:59:00 2015-01-30 02:59:13
ManyTargetsMuchAmmo DOGE1 3 2015-01-22 05:45:00 2015-02-04 19:09:02
X-Clusive X-CLU 48 2014-11-05 08:59:00 2015-02-08 04:38:10
Mibu Wolves MIBU The Shogunate. 5 2015-01-05 22:40:00 2015-02-08 04:38:10
Total Recoil. TXR- 9 2015-01-25 12:20:00 2015-02-08 19:43:32
Tekken Inc TEKKE 13 2014-11-30 19:41:00 2015-02-10 16:12:30
Rikimaru Corporation RIKIM 18 2014-11-05 08:59:00 2015-02-14 16:34:59
Lisnave .CRP. Pandemic Horde 332 2014-11-08 23:56:00 2015-02-24 04:58:21
Sepultura. C0VA 6 2014-11-07 23:20:00 2015-02-25 00:37:24
Assassinations and ExplorationDead -ASX- 0 2015-02-02 18:44:00 2015-03-02 01:24:04
Caliban Logistics and Storage C-L-S 11 2014-12-08 16:41:00 2015-03-02 21:42:57
Applied Service Solution.Dead -ASS. 0 2014-12-09 22:51:00 2015-03-03 03:27:42
Russian flame RUS55 11 2014-11-07 20:20:00 2015-03-03 19:29:43
Alternate Arrangements ALT-T 3 2015-03-02 01:07:00 2015-03-04 13:46:45
Absolute uselessDead ABS-U 0 2015-02-04 01:53:00 2015-03-05 23:20:37
Absolution TT -ABTT 3 2014-12-30 07:01:00 2015-03-07 23:01:40
Bad Russian Guys BRG8 7 2015-02-03 22:53:00 2015-03-08 04:40:23
Lazy Dasy SEWA 7 2014-11-08 23:56:00 2015-03-09 18:23:35
CORVUS VETUS CORVS 1 2015-02-27 21:10:00 2015-03-10 09:31:38
Vulcan Industries VLCNI 16 2014-11-05 21:43:00 2015-03-12 01:27:04
United Pilots of the Federation -UPF- Alvarium 34 2014-11-05 21:43:00 2015-03-15 07:20:06
Grave Slave Inc. TOMB- 23 2014-12-27 09:44:00 2015-03-16 14:07:05
Adeptus Mechanicus Inc -AMI- 108 2014-11-06 18:42:00 2015-03-20 18:01:40
D-W-T-HoldingDead DWT-H 0 2015-02-11 19:20:00 2015-03-22 15:14:19
Eastern Empire Trading AA-EE 2 2014-11-20 15:30:00 2015-03-23 03:16:02
NERV.R Null NR00 2 2014-11-04 12:59:00 2015-03-23 10:01:03
Gravit Negotii S.B.S 12 2014-11-07 16:20:00 2015-03-24 08:58:17
Sabi Technology and Trading S-TAT 4 2014-12-13 20:20:00 2015-03-25 06:20:13
4T-X-Steel Production 4TXS 1 2015-01-13 16:01:00 2015-03-26 18:48:25
Dragon ISKDead DRISK 0 2014-11-05 20:43:00 2015-04-01 22:07:14
Stoned Immaculate SIRM 3 2014-11-05 20:43:00 2015-04-02 06:40:41
KIBER-PARADOX -KPC- CyberSphere 21 2014-11-07 16:20:00 2015-04-03 10:08:32
TerraFons TRFNS CyberSphere 89 2014-11-22 02:08:00 2015-04-09 20:43:00
Headquarters of the Absolution HQAB 3 2014-10-29 11:38:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Spatial Treatment -SPAT 14 2014-11-06 22:42:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Warp Diesel CODOG 16 2014-11-06 13:42:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Harbingers Of STORMS HOSTO 2 2014-12-24 05:53:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Conoban Innovations CONOI 2 2015-01-12 10:53:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
sobaka sharik Corp -HAV- 7 2014-11-06 17:42:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Deep Core Mining Corporation VORAN 15 2014-11-16 12:23:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
MasterWizards MWIZ SONS of BANE 62 2015-02-17 10:07:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
New Intergalaktic Knights Of Industry NIII New Miner's Union 10 2015-01-05 11:39:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Butcher's Raiders BURAD 14 2014-11-06 22:42:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
I Memento Mori IDead MEMO 0 2014-11-05 23:43:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Orion Nebula M42 ONEB7 1 2015-02-21 08:13:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Snugglebunny Care Factory LUWLY 2 2014-11-05 21:43:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
The Absolution holdingsDead ABS.T 0 2014-11-04 18:59:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Star Mining Corporation S.ORE 6 2014-12-11 22:55:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
absttcomDead ABSTT 0 2015-01-22 05:45:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Tzetsu IndustriesDead TZTSU 0 2014-12-12 10:55:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
NEOGEO Mining Operations NEOGO 17 2014-11-07 16:20:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Ensanity ENSN 2 2015-01-04 19:23:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
P00N HOLDINGS Corporation P00NH 7 2015-01-18 00:01:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
Sense Offenders SENSS 1 2015-01-30 19:55:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
abstt.COMDead OGHTF 0 2014-12-20 02:39:00 2015-04-24 23:25:33
EDM Death Machine EDM-- GoonSwarm. 1 2015-07-07 17:02:00 2015-07-07 23:00:24
Anthropomorphic battle-TrollsDead OBANA 0 2015-07-08 10:02:00 2015-07-08 23:42:33
LoD sov transfer LODST 4 2015-03-10 04:35:00 2015-07-09 04:37:21
Kangaroos on Steroids. WTBLO 85 2015-06-10 12:18:00 2015-07-09 04:37:21
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