Alliance Share

Name CyberPunkZ
Ticker PUNKZ
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-11-26
Closed 2016-03-02
AllianceID 99004969





Currently recruiting corperations that are focused in pvp, pve and industry.

We plan to offer the following:
- Regular PVP operations.
- Low Sec Mining.
- Multi-Corporation PVP operations.
- Multi-Corporation PVE operations.
- High-Sec PVE Missions
- Low-Sec PVP Roams/Camps
- Ship replacements (currently only frigs)
- Ranking system and Medals!

Your Corp offer (hopefully);
- Teamplayer
- Interested in 2 or more of the above fields (PvP preferred as 1 of them)
- Active or Part-Time Player.
- Good Standings. (Not Crucial.)
- Every age and timezone players welcome.
- Be willing to use voice comms when instructed.

Interested ? Come and have a chat with us :)

Our In-game Channel: CyberPunkz

Alliance Leader:
Krytan Reborn
Recruiter: Christy Reborn
Capital Recruiter: Kratozz Reborn

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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