Alliance Share

Return Of The Ancients
Name Return Of The Ancients
Ticker ROTA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-11-30
Closed 2015-07-13
AllianceID 99004977






We think in all fairness, we should explain to you exactly what it is that we do:

For instance tomorrow morning we'll get up nice and early, take a walk down over to your system and... walk in and see and... if you don't have our isk ready for us, we'll... crack your f****n' ship wide-open in front of everybody in the system. And just about the time that I'm comin' back from a low sec roam, hopefully, you'll be coming out station again. And guess what? I'll split your f****n' ship open again. 'Cause I'm f****n' stupid. I don't give a f**k about

That's our business. That's what we do.

For Diplomacy contact:

Yinthe Mann (EU)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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