Alliance Share

Executive Intelligence Agency
Name Executive Intelligence Agency
Ticker EIA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2015-04-11
Closed 2016-07-13
AllianceID 99005366





An organistion forged under patriot bloc dominance within the Chief Executive Panel. The Executive Intelligence Agency acts on behalf of the interests of the state under direction of the board of CEO's.

A inter state security intiative it operates under complete secrecy enlisting state loyal Caldari servicemen and women made immortal alongside dedicated staff that dictate operations to non faction affiliated mercernaries allowing for unaffiliated activities across New Eden.

Known for its precise brutality and unquestionable efficiency it removes threats and ends grievances within and outside State Borders, silencing discontent among rebellious directors and citizens, sabotaging State competition and handling any task that the Board requires guranteed success.

Even while a known and public entity in the State its activities remain in the shadows of rumours with no trace ever being left behind other than the bodies of silenced witnesses.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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