Alliance Share

Amarr Separatist Crusade
Name Amarr Separatist Crusade
Ticker ASC
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2015-05-19
Closed 2015-08-19
AllianceID 99005501





The Amarr Separatist Alliance marshaled armed forces to its cause, to be eventually used to topple the Amarr Empire and take the capital planet of Amarr Prime. The Amarr Separatist Crusdae is the largest standing military force in the Confederacy of Amarr Systems in an effort to secure power throughout New Eden. It comprised of succeeded Amarrians Corperations and other corporations that allied themselves with Ravencroft's Separatist movement. The Amarr Separatist Alliance, also known as the Confederacy; the Separatist Confederacy; Separatist Alliance, is the government and separatist movement led by the Khandid House of Ravencroft. Formed by various planetary and sectorial governments, as well as some mega-corporations, that declared intentions to leave the Amarr Empire, refusing to comply with the Imperial Throne.

Diplomatic Contacts:
Jared Ravencroft
Xarcotic Ikaros

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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