Alliance Share

Pipe Hiiters Union
Name Pipe Hiiters Union
Ticker PIPE
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2015-08-08
Closed 2016-06-10
AllianceID 99005717





Greetings Pipe Hitters Union Alliance or future members:

This message is general information useful to potential members of the alliance.

First some history of the alliance:

We have formed a new Alliance. Our alliance has been named Pipe Hitters Union Alliance. No it's not
So what is a Pipe Hitter? We hear that question a lot. Well, the Urban Dictionary defines the term "Pipe Hitter" as: “Someone or a group of people who are willing to go to the extreme in order to get things accomplished. Also known as a “Heavy Hitter
It was created because of the crap and appearant loss of sanity in several alliances that we have participated in. It seems most of those involved in these alliances forget that this is supposed to be fun, and in thier power grabs, also forget that without members there is no alliance. They do everything to **** off people who pay to play the game, just like us all. We have even had alliances tell us to tell people not involved in fleet operations to log off the game. Brilliantly stupid!

Some of these turbulent times in alliances other than our own, where the leadership seemingly has lost it's mind, has been intermittantly costly as far as assets. And that is why we created our own alliance. We are certain that we can avoid the "Stupid Alliance Tricks"

Each participating corporation has it's own vote on all future alliance operations. This is done through the CEO or thier designated second in command. One vote per, including the founding corporations. CEO's of corporations that are members of the alliance are full members with a vote on the Leadership council.

New corporations will be allowed into the alliance provided they meet a few minimum requirements. They should contact us in the "PIPE DIPLO" channel. Requirements are general guidelines only:
1. Anti-Gank, Anti-Pirate
2. Team Players.
3. Must abide by our agreements such as NAP's. (No Blue on Blue)
4. We are NRDS
5. Minimum 10 members. (There are exceptions)

Our intention is to grow with quality, not quantity.

Our inexpensive alliance fee is 10 Million Isk per month per corp regardless of size. It will stay at this level until we need to split the costs associated with Sov in a system. Then we will need to adjust that as needed, but that will be decided by the council.
This is due on the first of every month. Please put a reason in your transaction [ Corp ] Alliance Dues for Month xx

We encourage all to take initiative in setting up operations, fleets, regardless of the type, and not waiting for alliance to take the initiative. We are not here to start everything you do or control every aspect of things. It's simple, we cannot be all things to all people. Fleet up and do.. Just remember you are part of something larger than yourself.

General Guidelines:
1. We are anti-pirate and anti-gank, and anti-ransom, however that is relative to location.
2. We are CVA friendly which really is to keep our NAP's alive, and have ties to the Domain region.
3. We are primarily industrial, however there is a large PvP need. (PvPers who understand the need for industrials.)
4. We encourage fleeting up as a group when anyone is running missions, so that we all benefit.
5. We encourage fleeting up as a group when anyone is mining, for safety in numbers.
6. There will be regularly scheduled operations which will be announced at least a week in advance.
(However, we are not against improptu happenings either.)

If you think your corp is ready to join our allaince or your just wanting to ask us questions please fell free to contact us in PIPE DIPLO channel in game. Thank you for your time and fly safe.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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