Alliance Share

Verily Innocent
Name Verily Innocent
Ticker WHYUS
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2015-12-08
Closed 2016-08-11
AllianceID 99006027





We are willing to fight for the freedom of our space and to protect our star bases and outposts together as a brotherhood. We hope you have a good time. To any new people to the game we give guidance, protection, friendships and trust. A casual team speak environment to be available offering in game neutral standings with all other corporations as a well supported New Eden Corp. We are willing to assist if its within grounds. We support members to develop independent income streams allowing them to afford combat operations. Continuing low and null-sec combat capacity and opportunities with the Amarr Navy and Ministry Of Internal Order task force from the famed “Saracens” 7th Fleet.

Verily HQ officers have decided this is the best location for everything. Its not necessary to be here, but feel free to join us at any time. New outposts now available for highsec operations. We are willing to fight for the freedom of our space and to protect our star bases and outposts together.

We are doing stuff every day including mission, mining, industry, exploration, planetary interaction, trading, research and nearly all other activities. Flying in fleets learning faster and asking questions will always help you to earn more ISK.


Verily Innocent

Fly Free o7

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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