Alliance Share

United Frontiers Republic Order
Name United Frontiers Republic Order
Ticker UFRO
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2015-12-26
Closed 2016-02-26
AllianceID 99006062





The United Frontiers Republic Order is a new alliance, with large goals and high potential.
This alliance originally started as a "bond" between two corporations. These corporations have been working together, and sharing their knowledge, assets and services.
The ongoing "bonds" between the current alliance members have proven extremely valuable.

In the United Frontiers Republic Order, the following activities are performed frequently:
- Mining Operations, with boosts.
- High and Low level mission running.
- Low/Null sec space exploration.
- Industrial activites, such as manufacturing

If your corporation is looking for a "family" like alliance to venture New Eden with, please contact us.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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