Alliance Share

Freeport Union of Independent Corporations
Name Freeport Union of Independent Corporations
Ticker FUC69
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2016-04-21
Closed 2016-05-04
AllianceID 99006389





The Freeport Union of Independent Corporations is a loose coalition of corporations that share the common ideal of seeding freeports across new eden without the burden of answering to a formal high command.

Corporation recruitment is an open process, and alliance members are welcome to work as much or as little as they want together. Member corporations are responsible for their own politics and foreign affairs and are generally free to do as they wish with the following stipulations.

While the alliance will not designate formal allies or enemies (sometimes colloquially referred to as “blues” or “reds” respectively), alliance members may not engage each other without provocation unless as a part of mutually agreed honorable combat.

Since alliance members conduct themselves independently, they may not present themselves as representatives of alliance leadership without prior authorization. Alliance leadership exists for the primary purpose of resolving disputes between alliance members - not dictating policy.

Member corporations that build or otherwise claim a sovereign player owned station or citadel (not including legacy “POS” structures are encouraged (however not required) to allow freeport access to all pilots regardless of affiliation. Corporations are expected in good faith to set reasonable service costs and station taxes for non-members if they choose to open a freeport. While "freeport" does not mean "freespace," all neutral industrial vessels (not including miners) should be allowed safe passage by alliance members to and from freeports in their systems. Safe passage for combat-capable vessels is left at the descretion of the host corporation.

Recruitment is open, so send an application if you are interested in joining. For for information, contact
Yuuto Amakawa.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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