Alliance Share

Cruoris Imperium
Name Cruoris Imperium
Ticker CRUOR
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2016-04-25
Closed 2017-03-18
AllianceID 99006408





Cruoris Imperium is an alliance loyal to the Blood Raider Covenant.

Power, immortality, strength and bloodlust. Terms thrown about haphazardly to describe human nature, ambition and burrowed desires that is so constrained and inhibited by social 'norms'. Words and definitions considered inhumane and barbaric, yet those ambitions are what truly makes a human into a man. A chosen one that is destined to become a pod-pilot, to walk amongst the stars. Without ambition and the strength of will to do what is needed, that destiny will never be fulfilled.

The Covenant requires aspirants that hold such dark ambitions; to not only stand above the rest, but to aspire to even higher levels of perfection. To be the best, one cannot simply claim it to be and try to be above the rest - one must destroy the competition. Power is not something that is granted - it is something to be taken.

Cruoris Imperium recruiting Blood Raiders!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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