Alliance Share

Killswitch Alliance
Name Killswitch Alliance
Ticker KSA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2016-05-10
Closed 2017-08-13
AllianceID 99006470





We are the Killswitch Alliance, we are a sov holding nullsec entity aimed at the ability to do pursue every facet of EvE, The Killswitch Alliance is made of different corporations, of every backround, who look to build themselves, with that we build ourselves as pilots, corporations, and a single cohesive alliance.

What can we offer you?
≡Sov Nullsec systems with -1.0 Trusec
≡Quick and Easy Access to Guristas Pirates missions in Venal
≡Nullsec level Ore
≡Regular PVP fleets from small gangs to large scale warfare
≡Full manufacturing abilties
≡Security protected Teamspeak
≡Alliance website with many tools at your disposal
≡Much more we can discuss!

What we ask for
≡That alliance members use Teamspeak at all times
≡That alliance members participate in Alliance Operations (AO's)
≡All alliance members have a good attitude
≡All alliance members train to our doctrines

Alliance Executor:
Alliance Chancellor: Numari Aldeland
Alliance Chief of Operations:
Ronan Kipling

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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