Alliance Share

Glacier Peak
Name Glacier Peak
Ticker GLAC
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2016-05-19
Closed 2016-08-19
AllianceID 99006500





Mining Is our Game, Ice is the Name!!!

GLAC is currently looking for new who are interested in any and all aspects of Eve online. Currently based near Amarr

What we offer:
-Orca Mining Boosts
-Compression Array
-US/Aus/EU Timezones
-Training on mining and PVE
-LVL 4 Security missions
-Free Ships for Alliance Ops

What we need:
-New Pilots
-PVP Pilots
-PVE Pilots
-Industrial Focused Pilots

Alliance Diplo:
WhiteSage Arkaral
avandara Darkheart
scorpion Taron
Jaesun Azaph
Ayame Okimasa

Recruiting is: OPEN

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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