Alliance Share

RushForce Industries
Name RushForce Industries
Ticker LWFM
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2016-11-24
Closed 2017-01-24
AllianceID 99006990





Entering into a career with workFORCE opens doors to several career opportunities. While there are no choices in which career you may be assigned, you will have the privilege of developing skills which will increase the organizations ability to manufacture products which aggressively impacts the success our client’s mobility, counter-mobility, and survivability needs.

The workFORCE tentacles are steadily gripping around – well, everything.

That's right. Tentacles. Because our booster R & D team is experimenting with capsuleers spawning tentacles as a fun and efficient replacement for boring human fingers. It works.

Or maybe you may be assigned to enter the glamorous world of professional test subjects.

That’s right! You can actually get paid just to try new drugs, many of which have no* unintended side effects. It's like getting free money, just to live in your college dorm again.

Whether it's capital component, pharmaceutical goods, ammunitions, defense, offensive force ship manufacturing, mining backbone, blueprint or more: you will be bagged, tagged, & assigned.

We're working hard to make New Eden a better place. At least the parts we care about. Sorry Delve. You know why we're mad.

Be one of Regina’s slutty slaves.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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