Alliance Share

The Eclipse.
Name The Eclipse.
Ticker MOON
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2016-12-04
Closed 2017-04-25
AllianceID 99007020

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [13]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Lite Inc. LITEI 7 2016-12-23 21:28:00 2016-12-23 23:05:06
xxxRussPiratsxxx XXXRU Stellae Renascitur 83 2016-12-20 17:58:00 2017-03-07 20:37:27
Debitum Naturae DMNA 54 2017-03-22 21:18:00 2017-04-18 00:54:31
Rising Myth RMYTH 3 2017-02-06 23:29:00 2017-04-18 00:54:31
Rifters Unlimited RFUNL 35 2017-03-22 00:42:00 2017-04-18 00:54:31
Legends Unbound LEUB 3 2017-04-18 02:36:00 2017-04-18 21:53:38
Ducks In The Roids Inc. DITRI 1 2017-03-24 01:05:00 2017-04-19 18:51:09
Burque Enterprises BURQ 8 2017-04-17 23:36:00 2017-04-20 02:42:31
New Eden's Best. BEST. The Explicit Alliance 14 2016-12-05 03:16:00 2017-04-21 00:14:46
Poseidon Navy Force P-N-F 5 2017-01-11 03:26:00 2017-04-22 18:46:27
Renegade Stars RES.T Stellae Renascitur 380 2016-12-16 23:17:00 2017-04-25 00:32:23
Eclipse Buyback MOBUY 33 2017-03-24 01:05:00 2017-04-25 00:32:23
Eclipse Holdings ECI-H 2 2016-12-04 03:02:00 2017-04-25 00:32:23
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