Alliance Share

The space Elite
Name The space Elite
Ticker ELIT
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2016-12-08
Closed 2018-04-04
AllianceID 99007038

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [21]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
AridanaDead ASFX 0 2016-12-09 11:50:00 2016-12-20 10:14:58
Celtiberia CBIA 1 2016-12-11 09:17:00 2017-01-09 15:43:24
The End inc. IEWI 2 2016-12-09 08:19:00 2017-01-14 14:15:52
Arless Corporation ARLES 4 2016-12-10 19:17:00 2017-01-19 10:39:26
Black Alet BL324 50 2016-12-10 08:50:00 2017-01-24 10:55:34
AridanaDead ASFX 0 2017-02-09 12:53:00 2017-02-16 03:28:38
Shadow Fleet of independence SFOI 4 2017-01-23 12:43:00 2017-03-19 14:52:35
Fireflys OPS- 4 2017-02-15 20:24:00 2017-04-06 15:15:24
Empire of Mr.Rokotanski Imdependent Corporation EOMR 5 2017-01-28 20:24:00 2017-04-09 17:16:08
Rage of Stars RAGEO 30 2017-02-18 13:31:00 2017-04-09 17:16:08
AnnaElena New Eden Business Research and Trading.Dead ANNAE 0 2017-02-27 15:16:00 2017-04-11 11:41:00
Settlement Defense Front XSDFX 24 2017-01-12 18:30:00 2017-07-24 05:36:25
RusFreeCorporation RUFEC 2 2017-07-09 18:14:00 2017-07-27 19:51:00
Dead-Stone DS.CP 56 2017-07-16 19:42:00 2017-08-29 03:53:53
System GlobusDead FINT0 0 2017-11-17 18:14:00 2017-11-20 12:37:46
AR-HE Corp A.R.H 4 2017-07-17 12:00:00 2017-12-08 23:33:50
Order of the Temple NSRDS 10 2018-01-07 04:54:00 2018-01-18 16:56:58
DALNIY BOCTOK DV125 14 2017-11-20 15:06:00 2018-01-19 08:19:43
Luck Hunters Ltd KURS 2 2016-12-11 18:48:00 2018-01-20 18:44:05
Melhilor MELH 8 2017-06-30 14:42:00 2018-04-04 19:04:43
CATGO CATGO Azure Citizen 35 2016-12-08 06:13:00 2018-04-04 19:04:43
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