Alliance Share

United Systems of Avarice
Name United Systems of Avarice
Ticker USA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2016-12-27
Closed 2017-08-29
AllianceID 99007087





-extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
synonyms: greed, greediness, acquisitiveness, cupidity, covetousness, rapacity, materialism, mercenariness.

- Home's Solitude & Venal
- West Coast US TZ Alliance

- Low Sec / NPC Null Alliance
- Sov Alliance when we feel like it.

I pledge allegiance to the United Systems of Avarice and to the Dictatorial-Republic for which it stands, one Alliance, under pods , indivicible , with Sovereign Space for All.

USA Corp Recruitment: Closed - Accepting Corp Mergers Only!

Executor/Head Diplo:
Vertigo Elsdragons

Diplo UZ Timezone - UFS Fenix

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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