Alliance Share

Divide and Conquer.
Name Divide and Conquer.
Ticker DVIDE
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2017-01-28
Closed 2017-08-01
AllianceID 99007191





Nothing is more complex and intricate than the art of warfare. In gaming, we can explore these intricacies played out in a competitive environment with players all around the world. Divide and Conquer is a gaming community dedicated to competing in persistent world, team based, or squad based war gaming. In EVE Online, we are a union of player-run corporations continually growing in numbers, combat prowess and wealth. We also team build and play other gaming titles such as Company of Heroes 2, World of Tanks, and Squad. The essential factor of military success is speed, that is taking advantage of others' unpreparedness or lack of foresight, their failure to catch up, going by routes they do not expect, attacking where they are not on guard. This you cannot accomplish with hesitation. This is Divide and Conquer.

Javen Kai
XO/Diplo: Andiedeath

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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