Alliance Share

Raata Empire.
Name Raata Empire.
Ticker RAATA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2017-02-14
Closed 2017-09-16
AllianceID 99007244





The Raata Empire was once the dominating entity on the Caldari Homeworld. They ruled the lands, they subjugated the sea. No one dared to stand against them. But their power was also their damnation. Under the rule of a weak emperor the empire started to divide. The power was taken away from the throne and the once flourishing civilization perished.

Now we want the empire to return, to reestablish the former glory and might of the Caldari People. The Legacy of our ancestors shall not be forgotten. But we will not repeat their mistakes… this time there won’t be an emperor to bring our empire damnation. A senate to represent all residents of the empire will be established and shall rule the new empire.

Contacts - EU Timezone
Diplomatic Contact: Mordin Dallocort

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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