Alliance Share

The Tungsten Accord
Name The Tungsten Accord
Ticker T-ACC
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2017-04-14
Closed 2017-05-15
AllianceID 99007387





Single player corps, Multi-boxers and privateers

Many solo players function well as small corps using multiple accounts. Its a play style that has existed since the beginning and has been ignored for just as long. The reasons for this style of play vary. Yet, they all have a few things in common. Profit, Freedom and Consistency. Most of these players are industrialist but this can be applied to any aspect of eve. Having your own corp and control of all its members allow you to create a powerful niche. The only cost is social isolation.

Joining a corp/alliance often means sacrificing all that you have built and the convince of wallet and division control, relocating and having to answer to someone else...which will disrupt your personal goals and schedule. You picked your location for a reason, you have a plan.

What I am proposing will involve no requirements what so ever. Instead I propose a platform for opportunity. If you where to join you would be required to do nothing different then you do as a solo operation. What I offer gives you a few options and benefits in turn.

40 slot TS3
Communication is the hub around which everything will turn. If your intention is to be socially isolated or not EVER be on coms then this proposal is not for you.

Wardec support
Whether it is scouting, logistics or turning the tables on a small griefing corp there is safety in numbers.

Materials Purchasing Client
In most cases the executor corp will be able to purchase and transport alliance goods.

Using internal courier contracts, coms and teamwork we can support each other in all areas of operation including wormhole.

Infrastructure Support
Alliance level access to network of infrastructure could be developed including customs offices and Upwell Structures

A catalyst for growth
All of these things will provide extra incentive for new members to join our individual corps which for many of us was the original point of starting our own corp in the first place. Regardless of what part of space you live or what activity you do as a member of The Tungsten Accord you have more options and support than as a solo operation. You can do it alone or you can do it alone with options.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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