Alliance Share

Alliance New Eden Empire
Name Alliance New Eden Empire
Ticker ANEP
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2017-05-18
Closed 2017-08-30
AllianceID 99007465





We are an alliance with 80% industry and PVE player, but we can defend ourselves and we have PVP player. We are committed to providing space for everyone and we can live in peace and tolerance.
We will defend ourselves if we are provoked to it, but as long as you do not steal from us or shoot us, we may not shoot you.
Do you threaten us or try to make us pay to be in an area, we see it as an attack. And that's not acceptable. You will encounter resistance and you will not make any sense of threatening us except a new enemy.
We do what we can to make everybody feel comfortable and nobody is scared if you lose a ship as long as you comply with our rules and agreements with partners and neighbors.

Do you steal from one of us? Or destroying our missions, you will be seen as -10

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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