Alliance Share

United Phoenix Federation
Name United Phoenix Federation
Ticker UPF
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2017-05-29
Closed 2017-08-01
AllianceID 99007491





☢☢☢ Capsuleers aren't born, they are made. Through hard work and sacrifice the capsuleer is created. But the succes of a capsuleer isn't made through that yet. That is what we are here for. We will show you the way to succes, however, it will be up to you to go down that path. We will place the universe at your feet, the first step though? That is up to you. ☢☢☢

Alliance contacts:
Exec -
Sarah Andonald
2IC - Ookabooka
Diplo - Avadi Aulx-Gao

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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