Alliance Share

Dacian Armada
Name Dacian Armada
Ticker -DAR-
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2017-12-06
Closed 2024-07-14
AllianceID 99007927

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [76]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Dacian ResurrectionDead -DRN- 0 2017-12-06 20:09:00 2018-01-14 01:56:25
Kippers from WhitbyDead KIPPP 0 2018-07-02 16:16:11 2018-07-02 18:16:18
J0KERS WILD JKSW 12 2018-04-12 16:55:00 2018-07-14 10:31:07
Gearheads and Grinders LLC GGLL 1 2018-05-07 05:37:00 2018-07-14 10:31:07
Infinitum Enterprises I.ENT 3 2018-07-19 20:31:09 2018-07-19 21:31:16
Fly Dangerous. P3W. 1 2018-07-19 20:31:09 2018-07-20 11:30:09
Hollow Fox Enclave HFXE 6 2018-09-04 15:31:01 2018-09-28 01:16:11
HakkapeliitatDead HAKPE 0 2018-09-05 12:01:18 2018-10-30 13:45:46
Bastardos From BarcelonaDead -ELB- 0 2018-10-07 12:01:14 2018-12-10 20:00:33
Is There a Bee on MeDead BEEME 0 2018-08-05 20:31:16 2018-12-10 23:17:40
Deep Space Research and Industrial Department .DSRI 8 2018-06-03 18:16:06 2019-01-05 16:46:14
J0KERS WILD JKSW 12 2018-08-13 12:46:15 2019-01-20 21:16:11
HC - Air Surprass Enthities HCASE The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary 3 2018-12-09 23:01:58 2019-01-27 18:16:03
ZSD IndustriesDead ZSDI. 0 2019-01-01 15:16:06 2019-02-19 20:30:11
Ho 229 HO229 4 2019-01-08 23:31:11 2019-03-02 14:31:08
Primordial Gray PGRAY 11 2019-01-28 18:31:02 2019-04-13 16:46:05
Black Ops Matter BOPSM 11 2019-04-07 19:01:10 2019-04-21 23:16:11
Exploding Star Industries EXPST 13 2019-01-22 02:16:43 2019-04-30 12:16:09
Krabbing Krew Entreprises KREW- 16 2019-03-04 02:31:06 2019-05-05 17:31:11
Cosmic Knights COSKN 7 2019-01-22 07:31:09 2019-05-27 09:16:08
WorkHorse Manufacureing WHMIS 7 2018-08-03 23:16:16 2019-05-27 09:16:08
HaishuDead MLDL 0 2019-05-14 01:47:12 2019-06-02 21:15:41
White or Wong WORW 5 2019-02-26 00:30:49 2019-06-11 06:46:10
Orcus Ad InfinitumDead OADIN 0 2019-06-16 19:46:58 2019-06-25 23:01:11
Graig Cyson GRAIG Kumo Yuki Nousagi Alliance 9 2018-06-17 18:31:09 2019-07-21 21:00:17
Infinit Space Corp ISC16 5 2019-05-01 18:01:11 2019-08-09 01:01:07
Sentinels of Lunacy SF.FS 15 2018-10-09 16:31:14 2019-08-22 15:31:07
The Miners tavern MITAV 14 2019-06-16 07:46:12 2019-08-27 13:45:59
Miners In New Goddamn Eden M1NG3 16 2018-06-11 21:31:09 2019-09-08 20:31:00
Vortex Federation VXFED 15 2019-06-14 17:46:13 2019-09-12 17:30:35
BloggtechDead BLGG 0 2019-06-18 15:46:11 2019-09-23 21:16:00
The Dead Drop Lodge DDROP 1 2019-07-02 06:16:12 2019-12-01 11:46:03
instituto de control vehicular IDCV 1 2019-06-30 04:01:11 2019-12-01 11:46:03
The.Bank.Of.Good.Trading.Habits TBGTH 1 2019-06-30 04:01:11 2019-12-01 11:46:03
Murphys Law Firm MRPHY 1 2019-06-30 04:01:11 2019-12-01 11:46:03
Gargantuan Acquisitions Unlimited GAULZ 1 2019-06-30 06:00:58 2019-12-01 11:46:03
Ministry of Redundancy Administration RADMN 1 2019-07-01 03:01:05 2019-12-01 11:46:03
Alcance comunitario CLAR0 1 2019-06-30 08:01:11 2019-12-01 11:46:03
Eureka Chronic Hydroponics 1ECHP 1 2019-06-30 23:01:09 2019-12-01 11:46:03
Glowing Vessel Yacht Club GVYC 1 2019-07-01 10:01:10 2019-12-01 11:46:03
Used Hentai Dealers HENT1 1 2019-07-01 05:01:11 2019-12-01 11:46:03
Knockoff Designer Apparel KODAP 1 2019-07-01 06:01:12 2019-12-01 11:46:03
Strategic Blapping Services LLCDead SBLAP 0 2019-06-30 02:01:04 2019-12-01 11:46:03
Las Salamandras REPTL 1 2019-07-02 06:16:12 2019-12-01 11:46:03
WACKY GANZ AUTOBODY AND TIRES not a front WACKG 1 2019-06-30 03:01:05 2019-12-01 11:46:03
Crown Estate Legal Team CELTZ 1 2019-06-30 07:01:09 2019-12-01 12:46:02
Biblio Sanctus Ecclesia ANNAL 1 2019-06-30 02:01:04 2019-12-01 12:46:02
Five Spies Murders and Lies FSML 1 2019-06-30 10:01:11 2019-12-01 17:46:03
Kamikaze CompanyDead MUSAI 0 2019-06-30 02:01:04 2019-12-01 17:46:03
Delvr DELVR 1 2019-06-30 04:01:11 2019-12-01 17:46:03
International Jewish Banking Conspiracy IJWBC 1 2019-06-30 02:01:04 2019-12-01 17:46:03
Holy Heila's Bed Buns and Beyond HOBOY Sacred Empire of the Queen Raja Clan 1 2019-07-02 07:17:16 2019-12-01 17:46:03
Bank of Dacia BNKDA 1 2019-06-30 10:01:11 2019-12-30 00:16:06
Church of Heila LUMAE Sacred Empire of the Queen Raja Clan 71 2018-11-07 16:16:22 2019-12-30 01:16:06
3 Yachts Finance Capital Group Inc. YAATZ Sacred Empire of the Queen Raja Clan 1 2019-07-03 02:16:11 2019-12-30 01:16:06
Holy Heila Estate MHOES Imperial Realm of the Rajawae Nation 19 2019-06-30 02:01:04 2019-12-30 10:16:03
Holy Heila's Bra and Lingerie Boutique HOBRA Imperial Realm of the Rajawae Nation 1 2019-07-01 04:01:11 2020-01-05 00:16:07
Melinda Raja-Gates Foundation CHY11 1 2019-06-30 02:01:04 2020-01-05 00:16:07
Holy Dacia HODAC 1 2019-06-30 02:01:04 2020-01-05 00:16:07
Borunagh Enterprises BORU 11 2019-05-28 09:16:11 2020-11-19 16:00:28
Moghashi Inc. -ZHE- 6 2019-05-10 16:01:12 2021-04-18 21:30:59
Infernus Veritas IFVE 11 2019-06-24 19:47:02 2023-08-22 08:31:00
Lazarus Free Navy LAZFN 2 2019-07-18 03:46:07 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Unified Variations UVAR 12 2018-06-24 16:15:02 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Noctu Astum Convivium NOCAC 3 2018-05-13 11:31:09 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Dacian Foundation for Peace and EqualityDead DACPE 0 2019-06-30 04:01:11 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Order 66 Incorporated. 66INC 1 2019-06-30 03:01:05 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Dacia Reign CIARE 3 2018-01-04 23:18:00 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Order 69 Incorporated. 69INC 1 2019-06-30 04:01:11 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Eat Your Greens EYG 24 2019-03-30 13:31:10 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Dacian Freedom Foundation DAFFT 1 2019-06-30 05:01:10 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Dacian Intelligence Community DAINT 1 2019-06-30 11:06:00 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Republican Party of the Dacian Armada REPDA 1 2019-06-30 11:06:00 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Democratic Party of the Dacian Armada DEMDA 1 2019-06-30 11:06:00 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Dacian Humane Society DAHUM 1 2019-06-30 06:00:58 2024-07-14 11:16:06
Dacian Emergency Security Association DAESA 1 2019-06-30 06:00:58 2024-07-14 11:16:06
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