Alliance Share

Name DevilBear
Ticker HEII
Faction -
Members 16
Corporations 3
Founded 2015-10-14
AllianceID 99005909

Corporations [3]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)DevilBear Inc. 0BEAR 5 2015-10-14 20:27:00
TheCorporation OTHEO 2 2017-01-15 01:24:00
The Magic Roundabout Initiative M R I 9 2017-02-05 16:58:00

Former Corporations [25]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Civ IndustrialDead CIVIN 0 2015-10-19 19:30:00 2016-01-04 17:51:32
Rosyme Industries ROSYM 3 2015-11-07 10:13:00 2016-01-31 13:10:48
Magrathea.Dead MAGTH 0 2016-02-06 16:33:00 2016-05-26 02:37:16
Dark Griffin Intersteller Services DGIS 2 2016-07-15 16:54:00 2016-11-15 00:41:02
Saku Industries SAKU 20 2016-08-21 19:38:00 2016-11-15 00:41:02
Band of Freelancers BAN 12 2016-09-18 15:51:00 2017-01-13 01:36:04
Xstraton Heavy Industries XHIND 3 2016-06-01 21:00:00 2017-02-06 19:53:52
Astartes' Guardians AG15 27 2017-01-01 17:15:00 2017-02-27 23:12:00
Phoenix Incarnate ASH38 2 2016-01-26 13:24:00 2017-04-20 04:00:43
Six Degrees of Freedom Corporation 6-DOF 5 2016-11-28 20:49:00 2017-04-24 17:20:07
Kassa Stellar Dynamics KSDYN 12 2017-02-05 22:58:00 2017-05-17 23:25:49
BullzeyeDead RET-Y 0 2017-05-19 04:21:00 2017-05-19 21:05:20
Deep Space Reclamations Ltd PONIT 2 2017-05-19 02:21:00 2017-05-20 01:42:07
Alchemy Group 9348Y 2 2017-02-25 23:29:00 2017-05-22 03:46:41
Registered Plex Offenders RPO- 1 2017-05-22 13:22:00 2017-05-22 16:06:16
N'tech NTCH 8 2016-12-01 19:37:00 2017-05-29 16:31:46
Haus of TradeDead XHOTX 0 2017-01-25 20:51:00 2017-06-04 03:01:55
Malkavian Inc. MI213 5 2015-10-16 00:03:00 2017-06-10 03:10:33
NorCorp Security NoSec Tactical Narcotics Team 62 2016-11-04 20:39:00 2017-06-11 22:04:46
Malkavian Inc. MI213 5 2017-09-02 02:27:00 2017-09-03 18:15:56
Beyond Reproach BREP- 18 2015-11-03 20:33:00 2017-09-20 00:09:23
Malkavian Inc. MI213 5 2018-04-22 22:05:00 2019-04-05 15:16:55
Blood Drive Technologies BDT1 1 2018-10-25 17:15:35 2020-03-31 21:31:05
Scape Goat Corp A122 1 2019-04-26 21:46:09 2020-04-24 19:16:04
Blood Drive Technologies BDT1 1 2020-04-08 14:31:05 2020-04-24 19:16:04
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