Alliance Share

Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere
Name Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere
Ticker PBLRD
Faction -
Members 127
Corporations 14
Founded 2013-08-10
AllianceID 99003549

Corporations [14]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere Exec TENBX 17 2013-08-11 22:44:00
You Died To Renters STGMA 1 2014-06-26 03:50:00
Podyshka Corporation PODYS 10 2019-03-07 03:46:09
PREDATOR Dark Blood -EWE- 6 2019-04-05 19:00:57
WATER LIFE WARLF 17 2019-04-25 00:46:07
Bezslavnue YBlydki BEZYB 11 2019-05-08 16:01:10
Anti-Honor. TA1DC 26 2019-06-30 18:01:12
Sepultura Draconis DR8C0 1 2019-07-28 15:46:06
N Y A Corp NYACC 12 2019-08-26 06:30:26
SA-Brotherhood S-A-B 13 2019-09-21 22:46:02
B bOU UDyT ODHU CTAPUKU SVVF 4 2019-10-02 07:31:03
Parents Strongly Cautioned -PG13 2 2019-10-02 07:31:03
Interstellar Advanced Robotics Research Institute IARRI 1 2019-12-21 06:46:04
B KPACKE BKPAC 6 2019-12-21 06:46:04

Former Corporations [463]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Special Projects Corporation S-PRJ Pandemic Horde 5 2013-08-10 21:29:00 2013-08-18 17:35:53
UoC NightWing UCNW 6 2013-08-31 13:06:00 2013-09-07 21:37:32
The New ReignDead IKIL. 0 2013-09-05 22:42:00 2013-09-17 17:03:36
NEW REVELATION NEW.R 11 2013-09-14 18:43:00 2013-09-25 19:51:41
Real Enemy Citizens REALC 25 2013-08-31 14:06:00 2013-10-01 08:02:01
Raging Wolves Production RWP 1 2013-08-30 00:12:00 2013-10-02 05:53:45
TAKEDA Industries TAKED 9 2013-09-09 16:54:00 2013-10-03 18:59:37
Union Of The SnakeDead BEYS 0 2013-09-17 18:28:00 2013-10-14 22:37:38
Laststar Industries Inc. -LIND 31 2013-09-18 20:22:00 2013-10-17 22:22:33
Lord of Pubs Corporation LRDPB 3 2013-10-08 20:17:00 2013-10-18 16:26:07
Blohm and Voss Heavy Industries BVHI Blohm and Voss Shipyards Alliance 1 2013-10-18 23:08:00 2013-10-20 21:40:13
Drum of warDead .DOW. 0 2013-09-05 12:41:00 2013-11-02 14:02:19
Lord of Pubs Corporation LRDPB 3 2013-11-02 23:28:00 2013-11-03 02:23:42
The Colllective TCL3 2 2013-10-12 13:14:00 2013-11-06 19:05:47
Chill Out Bro C0B. 1 2013-09-17 12:28:00 2013-11-16 19:36:04
Lord of Pubs Corporation LRDPB 3 2013-11-23 12:42:00 2013-11-25 22:47:45
The NewOrder T-N-O 18 2013-10-11 03:15:00 2013-11-30 13:39:25
P-V-K P-V-K 1 2013-10-16 00:55:00 2013-11-30 17:27:32
No Bulls Inc.Dead NBI. 0 2013-10-02 03:33:00 2013-12-05 02:54:44
Red Rocket Uranus Probers ROMEO 3 2013-08-31 23:06:00 2013-12-05 06:42:49
Turianer T-U-R 7 2013-12-03 07:58:00 2013-12-05 17:09:53
County Dispatch Heroes WILAN Young Miners Christian Association 5 2013-08-29 22:12:00 2013-12-09 04:47:28
TransField iVenturesDead TFIVI 0 2013-12-08 03:32:00 2013-12-09 18:32:34
Blohm and Voss Heavy Industries BVHI Blohm and Voss Shipyards Alliance 1 2013-12-16 16:58:00 2013-12-17 05:50:57
Innovation corpDead INNVC 0 2013-11-17 18:11:00 2013-12-17 19:09:17
Aurora Armaments ARMA. 9 2013-09-05 22:42:00 2013-12-22 08:45:01
Aggressive Authority.Dead AGGAU 0 2013-09-16 05:34:00 2013-12-23 22:28:06
Amarrian Black OpsDead AMBO 0 2013-11-08 05:28:00 2013-12-24 04:14:49
Community against Justice C.A.J 1 2013-09-22 17:42:00 2013-12-25 16:20:34
South UralsDead RU74 0 2013-12-22 05:57:00 2013-12-25 16:37:38
Coalition of Loyal Partner's COLP 2 2013-09-18 20:22:00 2013-12-28 22:50:59
Eidgenoesischer Steuerkomplex EGSK 4 2013-09-05 15:42:00 2013-12-30 12:28:33
Just In Time Science JITS. 1 2013-08-21 22:08:00 2013-12-31 02:01:28
inferno Holy EmpireDead LNFRM 0 2013-12-01 01:02:00 2014-01-02 06:47:48
Something Ventured SMVEN 2 2013-09-29 05:47:00 2014-01-03 01:32:08
Recon and Research REX2 6 2013-09-13 15:13:00 2014-01-03 03:18:34
ArsVivendi CommunityDead ARSVI 0 2013-12-02 17:58:00 2014-01-05 22:05:58
Enderas Corporation XENCO 2 2013-11-24 06:42:00 2014-01-05 23:30:48
Cool Whip Industries K33L 6 2013-12-05 05:26:00 2014-01-06 00:10:00
Industrial KingdomDead INKIN 0 2013-11-28 14:08:00 2014-01-06 21:43:02
Anatolian Tigers BCOOL 22 2013-12-05 03:26:00 2014-01-07 13:56:33
Virtual Reality Corp MAMLA 3 2013-09-18 20:22:00 2014-01-12 02:38:01
Black Constractors UnlimetedDead BCUD 0 2014-01-01 04:41:00 2014-01-12 16:34:32
Heeresflieger HEERE 1 2013-10-02 19:36:00 2014-01-18 20:49:54
Space Pioneers SP4CE 12 2013-11-17 07:06:00 2014-01-22 15:46:05
Nothing Never Ends ENDS. 5 2014-01-21 13:28:00 2014-01-22 17:41:05
Production and Research Corporation PRCCC 12 2014-01-03 02:07:00 2014-01-23 21:00:27
Naglfar Building CorpDead NABUC 0 2014-01-11 04:48:00 2014-01-25 11:12:36
Gimbal's Dun Deal GIDD 7 2013-11-01 12:20:00 2014-01-29 02:45:09
CJ Universal PI ExplorationsDead CJPIE 0 2013-09-16 18:32:00 2014-01-29 12:45:01
Inferno Technologies IFTC 30 2014-01-20 16:29:00 2014-01-31 18:04:02
GFIB OffshoreDead GFIB0 0 2013-11-15 07:11:00 2014-02-01 00:45:39
0.0 Minning Conglomerate 00MC 4 2014-01-12 18:02:00 2014-02-04 04:40:36
Touch My Totem TMTOT I too am gay 1 2013-12-15 06:05:00 2014-02-04 19:51:33
High Desert Production H D P 7 2014-01-03 00:07:00 2014-02-07 04:01:22
Klingonisches Imperium WRF 8 2013-12-05 16:17:00 2014-02-07 04:01:22
Pangolins Unlimited PANGO 11 2013-12-06 03:17:00 2014-02-07 04:01:22
Heuristic Intentions Inc. QNDRY 4 2014-01-18 14:15:00 2014-02-08 16:39:30
DADNA SQUADDead DADNA 0 2013-12-08 03:32:00 2014-02-13 06:23:16
Eden Dynamics -EDN- Spears of Destiny 6 2014-02-10 06:10:00 2014-02-23 09:44:29
Erzgebirge United ERZER 12 2014-02-07 13:41:00 2014-02-23 11:19:10
Kesanto Inc. KSN 13 2013-11-21 22:58:00 2014-02-28 12:15:47
Norse'Storm Heavy IndustryDead NS-HI 0 2014-01-25 16:02:00 2014-03-02 12:43:59
Aspertia DynamicsDead ASP-E 0 2013-08-22 21:39:00 2014-03-02 13:41:01
This Space For Rent. TS.FR 1 2013-10-12 13:14:00 2014-03-02 18:59:31
PC-Gaming Germany PC-G 15 2014-02-03 00:23:00 2014-03-05 16:54:19
WaveFire DigitalDead -WFD- 0 2014-03-05 13:49:00 2014-03-06 03:23:18
Renting Bunnies -RBUN 1 2014-02-05 13:39:00 2014-03-06 05:18:03
DINO USA D-USA 1 2014-02-10 22:41:00 2014-03-08 20:18:13
Many Blue Swords FFPLS 1 2013-12-22 05:57:00 2014-03-08 20:18:13
Brotherhood of Rozenkreitsers ROZE 1 2014-01-02 22:07:00 2014-03-08 20:18:13
Asteroid AngelsDead J A A 0 2014-03-05 14:49:00 2014-03-09 06:29:45
Little Red X LREDX 4 2014-02-28 14:24:00 2014-03-11 04:25:51
New Star Citizen NCIT 3 2013-08-30 00:12:00 2014-03-12 02:19:45
Offline. XPL0D 6 2014-03-09 21:37:00 2014-03-13 01:44:10
SNG ARMY SNG A 20 2014-02-08 14:11:00 2014-03-16 17:48:48
Just In Time Science JITS. 1 2014-01-03 04:07:00 2014-03-22 21:42:23
WattafakDead WATTA 0 2014-03-18 13:14:00 2014-03-23 10:38:16
The False Prophets T-FP 20 2013-10-07 19:41:00 2014-03-24 13:21:36
Asus InnovationsDead ASUS. 0 2014-01-11 04:48:00 2014-03-26 20:35:23
Erebus DownDead EBUS 0 2013-11-23 05:07:00 2014-03-27 01:06:43
United Lions. -U-L- 1 2014-02-24 07:21:00 2014-03-30 19:11:49
We Make Weapons -WMW- 7 2013-11-20 03:38:00 2014-03-31 00:18:39
AAHR AAHR 145 2014-02-21 06:34:00 2014-03-31 21:35:02
MUMMERYDead MUMME 0 2014-03-09 03:33:00 2014-03-31 21:35:02
Turkmenistan Corporation TURKM 16 2014-03-23 23:06:00 2014-04-01 14:31:26
Pizza Warriors P.W.S 9 2014-02-23 06:17:00 2014-04-02 03:32:30
While in EmpireDead OZERO 0 2013-09-02 22:03:00 2014-04-02 13:03:43
halosix enterprises H6N 5 2014-02-03 05:23:00 2014-04-03 02:25:29
Starship Crusaders. S-C. 6 2014-03-11 00:52:00 2014-04-03 22:17:13
Savage Frontier S-A-V 1 2014-03-08 05:11:00 2014-04-04 19:52:55
NARN. NARN. Dragon Academy 11 2014-02-14 06:26:00 2014-04-06 22:45:51
HOMELE55 CHNGE 5 2014-02-18 07:42:00 2014-04-06 22:45:51
Barth Corp BC001 5 2014-01-01 20:33:00 2014-04-06 22:45:51
FLOWERBOMB G-NK 9 2014-03-03 15:57:00 2014-04-06 22:45:51
Singularity Industrial Corporation SICD 4 2014-01-11 04:48:00 2014-04-06 23:42:52
Quafe Art QUARC 2 2013-11-12 20:18:00 2014-04-06 23:42:52
Heavy Metal Ballistics KRAZY 9 2014-03-19 05:14:00 2014-04-09 01:32:14
Ashrum ExplorationDead X812 0 2014-02-22 00:44:00 2014-04-09 13:09:50
Ethical Compromises PHP. 1 2013-10-24 01:59:00 2014-04-10 13:18:42
Commando - Refuse Disposal REFUD 30 2013-09-03 23:27:00 2014-04-18 20:09:01
Black Hawk IndustryDead BHAIN 0 2014-03-21 13:13:00 2014-04-21 04:27:28
Science of Pain SP. 1 2014-03-15 01:46:00 2014-04-26 14:00:19
After.Dark A...D 2 2014-02-23 06:17:00 2014-04-26 18:47:23
East Indian Corsairs .EIC. 37 2014-03-16 02:26:00 2014-04-28 00:21:09
The Soul Society TSSOC Fraternity. 213 2014-03-09 03:33:00 2014-04-30 03:36:08
Someone Else's Problem SMESP 6 2014-01-08 13:14:00 2014-04-30 09:21:28
You Keep What You Kill YKWYK 3 2014-04-22 05:20:00 2014-05-01 21:32:13
The United League Of Ordinary GentlemenDead .705. 0 2014-04-10 04:58:00 2014-05-03 17:28:52
Central Inc.Dead CNTL 0 2013-11-29 07:08:00 2014-05-06 16:01:59
Guardians of Valor -GOV- 3 2014-04-18 03:34:00 2014-05-07 04:47:14
CrazyBlackSheeps CI3S 6 2014-02-24 01:21:00 2014-05-08 16:34:38
Federal ExplorationDead FED-E 0 2014-04-24 12:44:00 2014-05-09 15:05:05
Lunatics.Dead LTIX 0 2013-12-22 05:57:00 2014-05-10 21:06:21
Reebok Innovations REBOK 7 2014-02-06 14:20:00 2014-05-11 00:35:26
Sarum Heavy Industries SA-HI 10 2013-12-20 16:31:00 2014-05-11 00:35:26
Sycophantic Reagents VSLR 3 2013-10-21 21:27:00 2014-05-11 00:35:26
Dark Ophelia DOPH 1 2014-01-22 18:54:00 2014-05-11 00:35:26
Rising Tibetan Star TIBET 10 2014-04-03 04:36:00 2014-05-11 00:35:26
Red Hot Chili Droppers RHCD 6 2013-10-02 03:33:00 2014-05-11 01:32:27
Five-0 FV- 28 2013-11-25 00:58:00 2014-05-14 01:40:11
Loving Our Gnomes InappropriatelyDead GNMEX 0 2014-05-14 14:53:00 2014-05-14 23:36:54
UmbreIla ELLA 1 2014-05-07 04:11:00 2014-05-16 10:00:38
Fault Line IndustriesDead FTLI 0 2013-10-05 03:01:00 2014-05-16 20:22:42
Lisnave .CRP. Pandemic Horde 332 2014-01-03 04:07:00 2014-05-18 16:34:45
NORDIC COMPANY NOCO. 21 2013-12-23 19:11:00 2014-05-19 10:30:05
Twilight Bundle IndustriesDead TWBI 0 2013-12-02 07:52:00 2014-05-23 19:59:32
101st Cliffdiving Regiment -HIRR 4 2014-01-01 04:41:00 2014-05-23 23:34:33
Spank Dat Monkey .SDM 4 2013-10-10 03:43:00 2014-05-23 23:34:33
FourUnion -F4U- 5 2014-02-13 06:43:00 2014-05-25 11:34:08
Central Ltd.Dead CLTD. 0 2014-04-04 02:08:00 2014-05-30 12:26:45
Cunningham InvestmentDead CUINV 0 2013-12-13 13:52:00 2014-05-31 05:16:08
ZDN Corporation ZDN C Brothers of Tangra 182 2014-05-21 04:04:00 2014-05-31 17:13:05
Dark Blood Templars DBLTS 1 2014-04-28 16:48:00 2014-06-01 09:03:27
Do Your Own Project DYOP 2 2014-03-01 05:24:00 2014-06-01 11:12:42
Public Embarrasment MANKY 13 2013-11-11 19:30:00 2014-06-01 12:07:36
Jin Mei Xiang Ind. Corp JMXI 3 2014-05-18 15:49:00 2014-06-01 12:07:36
Constipaded Whales EXLAX 3 2014-04-09 04:00:00 2014-06-01 14:36:23
Twenty Questions TWEN 37 2013-08-29 02:00:00 2014-06-03 01:35:16
101st Cliffdiving Regiment -HIRR 4 2014-05-26 14:57:00 2014-06-05 07:04:24
Someone Else's Logistics SMESL 6 2014-03-09 03:33:00 2014-06-05 13:40:58
Bilious Feelings BILFE 4 2014-03-19 05:14:00 2014-06-07 05:57:49
SNG ARMY SNG A 20 2014-03-22 06:13:00 2014-06-07 05:57:49
San Draviskos SAN D 8 2014-02-28 14:24:00 2014-06-07 05:57:49
L'Antre de GuerreDead LADG 0 2013-10-06 19:15:00 2014-06-12 17:02:42
Something Bad.Dead SBAD. 0 2014-03-23 05:06:00 2014-06-14 23:19:11
The Ghede GHED 2 2014-01-30 04:14:00 2014-06-16 09:38:56
The Galactic Empire -GE- 2 2014-06-10 04:35:00 2014-06-16 19:40:31
This Space For Rent. TS.FR 1 2014-05-12 00:33:00 2014-06-18 14:14:40
Federation FED 24 2014-02-08 01:41:00 2014-06-21 17:52:17
Tax Avoiding Inc TAKS 11 2014-05-27 03:57:00 2014-06-29 12:47:59
Miners In Possession M I P 55 2014-02-06 14:20:00 2014-06-30 02:08:00
Space Penguins8 SPP8 2 2014-04-04 02:08:00 2014-07-02 15:16:14
Frontier Syndicate FR0SY 1 2014-05-24 03:44:00 2014-07-04 00:32:59
1Day i WillDead ERYT 0 2014-04-28 15:48:00 2014-07-04 23:18:35
Star Gazers Industrial Research SGIR- 6 2014-05-16 06:42:00 2014-07-06 00:09:27
Fictional Warfare FWAR 3 2014-03-13 02:38:00 2014-07-09 04:34:30
Furnace and Hammer MOEDA 38 2014-03-15 02:46:00 2014-07-09 04:34:30
the space reapers corp TH.SP SLYCE Pirates 22 2014-05-26 14:57:00 2014-07-09 04:34:30
Butterfly Effect Inc .BE. 6 2014-05-15 23:42:00 2014-07-09 04:34:30
L4P L4P 2 2014-05-10 00:49:00 2014-07-09 04:34:30
Imperial scorpions IMSCR 9 2014-06-05 03:18:00 2014-07-09 04:34:30
Digital Fiction D.FIC 7 2014-05-03 16:35:00 2014-07-09 04:34:30
Reebok Innovations REBOK 7 2014-05-24 03:44:00 2014-07-09 04:34:30
Das Excilium EXCIL 2 2014-03-09 03:33:00 2014-07-09 04:34:30
DeathLaw Corp CAVER 17 2014-04-06 04:27:00 2014-07-09 04:34:30
Coffin Club MRGUE 7 2014-05-19 00:49:00 2014-07-15 02:24:20
Standing Fleet XTSFX Forged of Fire 4 2014-06-21 06:37:00 2014-07-15 13:57:34
County Dispatch Heroes WILAN Young Miners Christian Association 5 2014-07-12 03:02:00 2014-07-15 21:23:54
Gurista Extermination INCDead GURE. 0 2014-07-14 19:52:00 2014-07-16 03:53:09
meadhan oidhche cinneach MEADH 16 2014-05-19 00:49:00 2014-07-25 00:58:35
Production and Research Corporation PRCCC 12 2014-02-01 04:06:00 2014-07-27 14:48:32
Abyss Jumpers Industries JPRSI 8 2014-01-15 05:59:00 2014-07-27 18:04:26
Industrial Bandits INBD 1 2014-06-05 03:18:00 2014-07-30 14:20:41
Bear and Bear LLCDead BABLL 0 2014-07-30 13:36:00 2014-08-04 21:50:11
Goldstein-Rosenkranz and AssociatesDead JU.DE 0 2014-07-07 00:02:00 2014-08-06 08:29:52
Transilience Industries WILEY 1 2014-08-01 07:05:00 2014-08-08 05:21:06
HellsGate Inc HGG. 5 2014-04-06 05:27:00 2014-08-08 05:21:06
Pub Crawlers Inc.Dead P1NTS 0 2014-06-10 04:35:00 2014-08-08 16:40:51
In Over Our Heads IN2DP 9 2014-01-11 04:48:00 2014-08-10 00:10:39
Jeb z Dzidy JEBZ 43 2014-01-25 10:14:00 2014-08-11 11:11:36
Ravenor TribeDead XRXTX 0 2014-05-14 23:53:00 2014-08-17 01:09:51
Last lapse of SanityDead LLOS 0 2014-07-28 05:51:00 2014-08-24 23:46:45
County Dispatch Heroes WILAN Young Miners Christian Association 5 2014-08-24 19:47:00 2014-08-26 15:40:48
Rebel Yell Holding -RYH- 1 2014-07-06 01:44:00 2014-08-27 23:39:07
Community against Justice C.A.J 1 2014-03-02 03:39:00 2014-08-28 19:13:54
Kyoko-na Sen'yu -KNS- 3 2014-02-24 18:40:00 2014-08-30 21:46:38
Steel and BloodDead HSQU 0 2014-08-25 05:47:00 2014-08-31 02:40:50
Divitarum Carta -DC - Ethereal Dawn 15 2014-03-05 13:49:00 2014-08-31 21:02:51
Battle Bears BATBE 27 2014-02-10 22:41:00 2014-09-01 15:58:30
Blood Raiders Initiate BLOOD 309 2014-08-15 13:53:00 2014-09-03 22:52:31
Elysium Gaming AcademyDead XSNTR 0 2014-08-10 22:25:00 2014-09-04 19:30:04
Kaupthing K.B 2 2014-08-23 05:07:00 2014-09-06 04:08:59
Chapai Minor LOGIZ 2 2014-06-26 03:50:00 2014-09-06 05:27:40
Drunk Frog DR-FR 39 2014-06-05 03:18:00 2014-09-06 05:27:40
Noobs4Noobs N4N 10 2013-10-31 12:14:00 2014-09-07 11:00:44
Production and Research Corporation PRCCC 12 2014-08-01 13:04:00 2014-09-09 05:17:46
My Baby BlueDead BBLU 0 2014-02-20 04:11:00 2014-09-09 05:17:46
Method incorporated M.E.O 24 2013-09-05 12:41:00 2014-09-09 05:57:03
Roswell Refineries RSLRF 15 2014-03-07 03:14:00 2014-09-09 05:57:03
A Totally Anal Conceited Organization .TAC0 27 2014-02-10 18:41:00 2014-09-21 12:02:37
X-EtherDead XETHR 0 2014-07-28 05:51:00 2014-09-23 03:16:13
Aegis Eidolon AE-EI 9 2013-12-11 14:28:00 2014-09-30 05:52:28
High Point ExplorationDead HPEX 0 2014-04-05 03:31:00 2014-09-30 05:52:28
Eve Research Corporation DAERC 2 2014-03-09 03:33:00 2014-09-30 07:16:03
The Black DynastyDead ITBDI 0 2014-06-20 05:01:00 2014-09-30 22:03:25
Amarr Technologies. AMRTC 2 2014-08-15 13:53:00 2014-10-02 15:52:46
OnlyFun Corp.Dead ONLYF 0 2014-09-07 03:37:00 2014-10-03 06:23:08
Elite War Shadows EWASH 6 2014-07-10 03:51:00 2014-10-03 22:44:17
Apotheosis Enterprises APTIT 13 2013-12-02 07:52:00 2014-10-05 04:09:40
CFS Division CFSD 2 2013-10-10 03:43:00 2014-10-05 09:13:53
Spider Murphy Gang SPID 26 2013-11-17 18:11:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
New Experience Set N-SET 2 2014-06-05 03:18:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
Entwurf Hausfrau ALTBH Demonic Wheat Pineapple 8 2014-05-15 16:42:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
Blackcross United Nations BCUN 1 2013-11-23 02:07:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOMNullLtd FREE3 1 2014-06-10 04:35:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
Gamora Inc GAMRA 3 2014-09-08 19:04:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
Shadows of Telara 1134 5 2014-08-15 13:53:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
HellsGate Inc HGG. 5 2014-08-18 05:42:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
DIE KAPPUTTENDead DIEKA 0 2014-06-16 05:06:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
Unidentified Anomalies U-NOM 3 2014-04-13 05:59:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
Mining Madness Enterprises .MME. 11 2014-03-03 15:57:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
Golds Research .G-R. 1 2013-12-20 05:28:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
The Grey Cardinals CRDNL 13 2014-10-04 06:02:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
9. Legion 9. LE 16 2014-01-05 02:03:00 2014-10-05 15:24:25
I had sov once IHSO 7 2014-07-17 04:02:00 2014-10-05 16:21:26
aetas novaDead A.T.N 0 2013-10-16 00:55:00 2014-10-05 16:21:26
time-out T-OUT 1 2014-02-08 01:41:00 2014-10-05 16:21:26
Out of OptionsDead OX3 0 2013-10-07 01:15:00 2014-10-05 16:36:27
DAMM THAT'S A COLD AZZ HONKY SNOW- 2 2014-04-06 04:27:00 2014-10-05 16:36:27
Blue Chip Industries A.L.X 4 2014-06-07 13:48:00 2014-10-05 16:36:27
Eternal Dystopia EDYST 3 2014-01-01 13:33:00 2014-10-05 16:36:27
Corrochano Inc COCHO 4 2014-05-14 23:53:00 2014-10-05 16:36:27
Apex Industries Lynchpin APEXL 1 2014-03-28 03:25:00 2014-10-05 16:36:27
Brawndo TTM -TTM- 1 2014-03-15 01:46:00 2014-10-05 16:36:27
Didn't Want FC5 AnywayDead DWFC5 0 2013-09-17 18:28:00 2014-10-05 16:36:27
Kabloom BlabyDead KBLM 0 2013-09-03 23:27:00 2014-10-05 16:36:27
Sum Dum Fuhks SUM D 1 2013-08-27 05:33:00 2014-10-05 16:36:27
Valkhyria Industries VHI 8 2014-09-16 21:46:00 2014-10-05 17:56:10
The Mucking Fuppets MF. 15 2014-09-02 07:15:00 2014-10-08 00:24:11
Shiga's Playground SGSPG 5 2014-03-17 17:54:00 2014-10-08 01:43:44
Reebok Innovations REBOK 7 2014-07-13 15:37:00 2014-10-09 05:18:30
Winter's WolvesDead WWOLV 0 2014-07-07 00:02:00 2014-10-09 05:18:30
Weeesearch WEEES CAStabouts 4 2013-09-02 23:03:00 2014-10-09 05:18:30
Dull Inefficent Long Dicks Outgrowth DIIDO 1 2014-08-26 04:21:00 2014-10-09 05:18:30
Home of carebears HCARE 1 2014-09-27 23:25:00 2014-10-09 21:36:05
Wrath of the Fury WOF. 15 2014-04-15 03:45:00 2014-10-11 22:09:03
Blok Ekipa EKIB 1 2014-09-18 14:50:00 2014-10-16 00:54:54
Amt fuer WehrtechnikDead A.F.W 0 2014-10-06 03:33:00 2014-10-18 06:24:01
ZOLTANY ZTN 11 2014-02-23 06:17:00 2014-10-19 15:48:50
Have Guns Will Travel HAGWT 9 2014-04-12 12:59:00 2014-10-19 15:48:50
Incredibly Unnecessary Expenses IUNEX 12 2014-09-18 14:50:00 2014-10-21 00:54:10
7 th River GruppDead 7-R-G 0 2014-09-30 20:47:00 2014-10-23 07:15:05
VISION Interstellar Enterprises -VIE- 12 2014-09-01 20:15:00 2014-10-23 16:53:16
Deadspace Retailers FADR Deedspace Consortium 13 2014-10-09 00:28:00 2014-10-24 23:44:11
Shadows of Telara 1134 5 2014-10-07 07:06:00 2014-10-25 07:04:54
Wolfspack WSSS 8 2014-08-07 04:18:00 2014-10-25 08:01:55
Just a little Corp JALC 8 2014-08-14 13:28:00 2014-10-25 10:59:29
Ashrum CoreDead XRUM 0 2014-06-30 06:50:00 2014-10-26 02:21:13
Peartree Productions PEART 8 2014-09-17 22:56:00 2014-10-26 12:04:47
TIME WARP Corp TIWAC 21 2014-05-17 05:33:00 2014-10-27 18:34:13
GNomes Only Mining EverythingDead GNME 0 2014-05-01 22:00:00 2014-10-28 08:10:10
SKULL AND B0NES 322 15 2014-08-22 04:38:00 2014-10-29 09:08:52
Burning Fimbulwinter B-F-B 5 2014-08-14 12:28:00 2014-10-29 10:18:30
United Earth Space Council UEASC 4 2014-03-06 03:49:00 2014-10-29 15:18:14
Omega Productions INC. OPI. 1 2014-06-25 04:30:00 2014-10-29 19:54:31
Space Colony -SCG- Synergy of Steel 598 2014-09-29 17:22:00 2014-10-29 22:40:39
Cosmos Ship Construction 0CSC0 5 2013-12-15 06:05:00 2014-10-30 21:17:35
13th Grand Shekel Squad 13-SH 3 2014-07-21 23:34:00 2014-10-30 21:17:35
Ellisium. EF. 3 2014-06-18 03:52:00 2014-10-30 21:17:35
Many Blue Swords FFPLS 1 2014-03-17 17:54:00 2014-10-30 21:17:35
IMPERIUM EARTHDead IMPEA 0 2013-11-06 05:11:00 2014-10-30 21:17:35
MG42 Corporation VMG42 1 2013-12-01 01:02:00 2014-10-30 21:17:35
Skull-Raiders S.R 20 2013-11-18 15:51:00 2014-10-30 21:17:35
TechCosmoProm TCHC 19 2014-04-01 05:40:00 2014-10-30 21:17:35
Strongs. STRGS 5 2014-08-14 13:28:00 2014-10-31 19:45:10
One True CaveDead OTC. 0 2014-06-16 08:06:00 2014-11-02 21:20:43
Miner Munitions and Naval Supplies MMANS 3 2013-08-30 05:12:00 2014-11-04 04:49:03
Black Death Industry BDIY 1 2014-03-02 02:39:00 2014-11-05 20:48:13
Mc CORP Extrasolar MCCEX 7 2014-08-15 13:53:00 2014-11-06 01:37:28
UmbreIla ELLA 1 2014-06-14 06:06:00 2014-11-06 01:37:28
BladeswornDead BLSWN 0 2014-06-30 06:50:00 2014-11-06 01:37:28
BUBI Hartman Jager Corp BUBI- 1 2014-05-04 13:15:00 2014-11-06 01:37:28
Poneis Malditos PONEI 8 2013-12-01 23:52:00 2014-11-06 01:37:28
Ailes Grises AGRIS 2 2014-10-30 17:02:00 2014-11-07 22:56:25
ALTES EISEN A.E.. Ferrum 26 12 2014-11-02 22:53:00 2014-11-08 17:28:15
Byrds of A FeatherDead BYRD 0 2013-11-04 07:19:00 2014-11-10 02:27:24
Cabal Ger. renew CB.R 7 2014-09-01 20:15:00 2014-11-10 02:27:24
Thundercats Inc THUIN 19 2014-07-27 06:04:00 2014-11-10 02:27:24
iFly Holdings IFLY 10 2013-10-20 03:41:00 2014-11-10 02:27:24
ShaltanacsDead SHALT 0 2014-01-19 17:58:00 2014-11-10 02:27:24
Caduceus Council CCCN 45 2013-10-18 23:08:00 2014-11-13 18:24:28
Lunar Republic LR-N 8 2014-09-18 19:50:00 2014-11-17 17:41:49
X-Prot X-PRO 18 2013-10-31 00:22:00 2014-11-17 19:36:09
ASSETS ENLARGEDDead JGGLE 0 2014-09-06 16:37:00 2014-11-19 15:01:36
Galactic Dragons G D 2 2014-10-10 23:52:00 2014-11-19 15:01:36
The Chosen 0nes T-C-0 71 2014-11-20 22:29:00 2014-11-20 23:35:59
Blok Ekipa EKIB 1 2014-10-17 13:32:00 2014-11-22 17:29:34
Miner Materials and Prospecting MMAP 32 2013-08-30 05:12:00 2014-11-22 18:55:33
13th Grand Shekel Squad 13-SH 3 2014-11-01 20:55:00 2014-11-25 09:19:22
Exan Industries EXANN Rum and Vodka 5 2014-10-15 04:09:00 2014-11-28 08:23:37
Foxconn. F0X. 5 2014-11-07 19:41:00 2014-11-29 04:52:41
ZOLTANY ZTN 11 2014-10-20 18:52:00 2014-11-30 10:03:17
Miner Headquarters and Headquarters TroopDead HQHQT 0 2014-11-23 23:23:00 2014-12-01 06:23:27
Doberian Anarchist Dept. of Destruction Inc. DADDI 12 2014-05-27 03:57:00 2014-12-03 23:33:00
X-Tension Corp.Dead X-TNC 0 2014-02-19 03:46:00 2014-12-05 14:32:57
Nogero Industrial NOGI 4 2014-11-14 21:01:00 2014-12-06 00:48:21
Sols Of Darknes DDS1 1 2014-12-04 00:25:00 2014-12-08 22:17:37
Star Divisions SDIV 11 2014-02-27 04:44:00 2014-12-11 02:26:03
Far Island Corp FAR I 7 2014-11-28 17:36:00 2014-12-21 23:13:42
BUBI Hartman Jager Corp BUBI- 1 2014-11-08 23:18:00 2014-12-27 12:55:54
Far Island Corp FAR I 7 2014-12-24 04:53:00 2015-01-02 21:12:51
We Stand Here -REKT 3 2014-11-08 00:41:00 2015-01-06 00:36:05
ShaltanacsDead SHALT 0 2014-11-14 00:22:00 2015-01-06 01:18:38
Avalon's AscentDead GARPA 0 2014-11-30 15:59:00 2015-01-07 00:08:29
Manfre Ltd MFRE 1 2014-09-26 21:41:00 2015-01-10 21:10:03
County Dispatch Heroes WILAN Young Miners Christian Association 5 2015-01-14 15:29:00 2015-01-17 18:35:30
Federal ExplorationDead FED-E 0 2014-12-03 22:25:00 2015-01-18 14:33:59
01. Kaiserliche SchlachtstandarteDead 1.KSS 0 2014-11-27 12:10:00 2015-01-20 22:41:46
G. Union GUNIO 3 2014-08-16 04:54:00 2015-01-20 22:41:46
WorldWelcon WCPO 3 2014-11-23 12:23:00 2015-01-21 08:23:35
ENTRIME ENTRI 3 2014-12-14 20:49:00 2015-01-26 07:13:10
HYPERION ROUGE HYROG 5 2015-01-02 00:27:00 2015-02-01 00:29:38
Interstellar Geothermal Company IGCOM 8 2014-05-18 03:44:00 2015-02-04 16:54:51
Monkey Monkey FactoryDead MONFC 0 2014-11-22 21:24:00 2015-02-06 02:42:29
Orichalque 42 O42 16 2015-02-05 22:42:00 2015-02-06 18:39:28
Der andere Zug ist auch nicht schneller -ZUG- 3 2014-10-20 17:52:00 2015-02-23 08:51:40
Galapagos GLPGS 2 2015-02-24 22:23:00 2015-02-25 00:37:24
Humility IncorporatedDead HUMI 0 2015-01-30 12:27:00 2015-02-25 19:09:51
LTC Vuvovich CorporationDead LTCVC 0 2015-01-19 20:21:00 2015-02-26 18:34:50
High Aces HI-AC 1 2015-01-19 01:29:00 2015-03-03 22:21:27
Cadelanne Mining Corporation CADEL 40 2014-01-24 00:41:00 2015-03-06 01:04:06
0scopeDead SC0PE 0 2014-10-17 18:32:00 2015-03-06 01:04:06
The Chosen 0nes T-C-0 71 2014-11-27 21:11:00 2015-03-06 23:59:15
Nomad Squad UniverseDead .NSU. 0 2015-02-10 07:48:00 2015-03-07 06:26:00
J and J Enterprises JJENT 2 2015-02-11 06:09:00 2015-03-07 18:10:38
The Northern J3WS NJ3W 1 2014-11-29 17:07:00 2015-03-08 22:10:55
Cyber-Net Solutions CNSOL Rock Ridge Alliance 12 2015-02-16 23:44:00 2015-03-27 01:35:40
Unten an der Ecke steht ne Laterne UNTEN 4 2013-10-19 22:41:00 2015-03-31 18:53:51
Nomad Squad UniverseDead .NSU. 0 2015-03-09 21:57:00 2015-04-01 12:20:16
Gipsy Gang GGANG 17 2015-03-12 21:04:00 2015-04-03 17:45:09
Allegiant Enterprises AL.EN 1 2015-01-24 00:24:00 2015-04-03 20:01:17
Team AWS TAWS 3 2015-02-11 20:18:00 2015-04-06 01:14:55
Deep Space PrivateersDead FRAGZ 0 2015-03-15 19:31:00 2015-04-06 01:14:55
Boteco dos Amigos E2009 9 2015-02-24 21:23:00 2015-04-06 01:14:55
Legion Special Forces L666 4 2015-01-06 21:56:00 2015-04-06 01:14:55
goat lipsDead GTLS 0 2014-02-28 14:24:00 2015-04-07 00:44:52
NoName AD NNAD 3 2015-03-01 21:49:00 2015-04-14 18:55:12
Fault Line IndustriesDead FTLI 0 2014-05-19 00:49:00 2015-04-17 07:32:21
X CompanyDead XCOMP 0 2015-03-24 19:16:00 2015-04-17 08:39:55
30plus 30PLU 28 2013-11-20 03:38:00 2015-04-17 22:51:09
LightSphere Corporation LZCOR 4 2015-04-07 11:00:00 2015-04-18 12:58:48
Capsuleers Who Say Ni CWSN 10 2014-09-17 22:56:00 2015-04-18 21:59:04
Wicked City Excavations WCEX 9 2014-12-22 09:03:00 2015-04-18 21:59:04
The Idiot Kings SLCOF 4 2014-01-18 14:15:00 2015-04-19 10:17:35
Discoverings DSCRY Goonswarm Federation 29 2015-03-19 08:11:00 2015-04-19 19:02:02
Know your Role K-Y-R 77 2015-02-28 22:39:00 2015-04-20 00:16:31
Sepultura. C0VA 6 2015-02-26 01:02:00 2015-04-20 00:57:52
Dragron Riders Inc ZZZTR 8 2015-01-16 08:34:00 2015-04-20 23:32:18
Synaptic Discharge SYN.D 1 2015-03-16 00:31:00 2015-04-21 07:07:46
Mining and Munitions Ltd MAMLT 2 2015-01-14 06:28:00 2015-04-21 12:38:05
A long way from home ALWFH 11 2014-06-12 03:43:00 2015-04-21 18:42:16
Deutsches Produktions- und HandelszentrumDead DPUH 0 2014-11-23 23:23:00 2015-04-21 19:39:18
The Expendables MenDead TEXPM 0 2014-08-23 05:07:00 2015-04-21 19:39:18
the space reapers corp TH.SP SLYCE Pirates 22 2014-07-11 02:36:00 2015-04-21 20:09:50
Crimson Serpent SamuraiDead CSSRI 0 2015-03-31 06:17:00 2015-04-21 20:09:50
Sleepless Dynamics. 5133P 4 2015-04-05 23:34:00 2015-04-21 21:38:46
Knavish Knight Kingdom KNAVI 54 2015-02-11 23:18:00 2015-04-21 22:34:30
Cool Intentions COIN. 6 2014-11-03 21:43:00 2015-04-22 00:51:30
Sunrise Innovations SUN.I 5 2015-01-10 00:59:00 2015-04-22 03:53:41
Alien Mining Corp AMC- 11 2015-04-05 02:18:00 2015-04-22 15:55:36
Full Spectrum Inc FLSP 1 2014-11-14 22:01:00 2015-04-22 23:14:48
EXPLOSIVE Entities C4X2 4 2015-03-17 08:30:00 2015-04-23 03:33:18
BlackWing Cartel BKWC 19 2014-12-25 08:02:00 2015-04-24 09:35:15
UoC NightWing UCNW 6 2013-09-09 13:54:00 2015-04-24 09:35:15
Mars Mining Industry MMIIN 9 2015-03-09 21:57:00 2015-04-24 18:14:46
Thundercats Inc THUIN 19 2014-11-11 18:04:00 2015-04-25 09:44:12
Partisan Squadron PAFS 37 2015-02-21 02:24:00 2015-04-26 10:51:43
Friendly Fire Club -FFC 8 2014-12-27 21:31:00 2015-04-26 15:43:44
Viventes in Spatio ABOVO 3 2015-02-01 19:18:00 2015-04-26 17:03:33
WARP Mechanics WARPM 36 2014-08-19 04:33:00 2015-04-26 17:03:33
The Founding Four AOJD 6 2015-03-30 21:17:00 2015-04-27 00:44:33
The Northern J3WS NJ3W 1 2015-03-11 23:22:00 2015-04-27 02:45:49
Perani New Eden P N E 22 2015-01-20 21:18:00 2015-04-27 09:03:19
Crash Code CCODE 7 2013-11-05 14:11:00 2015-04-27 19:36:16
The Black DynastyDead ITBDI 0 2014-10-10 23:52:00 2015-04-29 04:14:38
Spicy ProspectorsDead SPIPO 0 2014-02-02 16:23:00 2015-04-29 14:27:32
Eidgenoesischer Steuerkomplex EGSK 4 2014-01-18 14:15:00 2015-04-29 17:07:35
Burning Fimbulwinter B-F-B 5 2015-04-10 09:07:00 2015-04-30 10:27:28
Pixie Hollow P I X 1 2015-01-19 01:29:00 2015-04-30 13:06:08
Miner Materials and Prospecting MMAP 32 2014-11-27 01:40:00 2015-05-01 04:25:33
Ore HogsDead 0R3H 0 2015-02-18 02:31:00 2015-05-01 07:16:37
The Galactic Empire -GE- 2 2015-03-01 21:49:00 2015-05-02 09:54:34
Incorrigible Brats IBS. 13 2015-01-24 00:24:00 2015-05-03 12:20:45
Mechanized Industrial Warfare 19222 28 2013-09-09 15:54:00 2015-05-03 19:57:59
The Gamespotters TGSS 1 2015-05-02 00:43:00 2015-05-05 14:54:59
Back Alley Abortion Clinic CTHGR 2 2013-09-08 23:22:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
xxHellxMinersxx XXHL 3 2014-11-08 23:18:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Skull-Raiders S.R 20 2014-11-01 08:24:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
War DenDead WARDZ 0 2014-12-09 01:41:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
No Clan CorpDead NO CL 0 2015-02-25 18:02:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Ministry of Offense M4O Goonswarm Federation 933 2015-01-19 20:21:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Gallente 106 Propaganda OfficeDead G106P 0 2015-03-26 20:29:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Star Divisions SDIV 11 2014-12-13 01:09:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
SHIELD GERMAN INC. SHGI. 1 2014-11-16 17:04:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Jelly Baby Authority JBCA 1 2014-08-26 04:21:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOMNullLtd FREE3 1 2014-10-07 07:06:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Someone Else's Logistics SMESL 6 2014-06-08 04:48:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Avalon's Retirement AAARP 18 2013-11-23 02:07:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Death Star Group DSTRG 7 2013-10-14 14:40:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Medieval Plants MEPAS 2 2014-05-17 05:33:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Hot BoXxorz HBOXX 1 2014-06-30 06:50:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Die Woge des Wahnsinns WAHN. 141 2015-01-07 00:56:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Plan-It Xpress PL-X 10 2014-03-09 03:33:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Ball Sack Holdings B.SAK 11 2014-07-17 04:02:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Corra Linn CRRLN 5 2013-08-27 00:33:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
AG Schrottverwertung AG S 5 2014-09-23 16:01:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
DeDas AnonymousDead DDOSD 0 2015-02-07 23:24:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Deutsche Entdecker United DEUED 11 2015-02-15 21:45:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Integrated Systems IncorporatedDead XISIS 0 2015-04-04 23:18:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Wormwood Core WMWOD 20 2015-02-22 02:34:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Thirtyplus 30P Goonswarm Federation 103 2015-03-05 09:14:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
One Too ManyDead -OTM- 0 2014-09-12 03:31:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
Unidentified Anomalies U-NOM 3 2014-10-07 07:06:00 2015-05-06 09:53:00
LAWN Elite Sov Balancing Organization LSBO 1 2015-05-05 07:44:00 2015-05-11 22:13:36
German Industry Consortium G I C 11 2013-09-02 18:03:00 2015-05-12 17:09:53
LAWN Elite Sov Balancing Organization LSBO 1 2015-05-14 06:15:00 2015-05-19 07:22:04
Trask Industries IND-T 13 2015-05-18 22:03:00 2015-05-19 21:18:45
12 Steps Academy 12SA 1 2015-05-08 15:12:00 2015-06-09 13:07:09
PubSwarm Federation NOBUX 3 2014-08-26 04:21:00 2015-07-17 23:04:32
W.A.R. Inc. TTCUX 21 2019-04-25 00:46:07 2019-05-01 17:31:09
LapaZaika CorpDead LAPAZ 0 2019-04-14 03:31:09 2019-05-03 18:01:10
The ImperiaI FederationDead -1MP- 0 2019-04-10 03:01:01 2019-06-16 03:16:11
N Y A Corp NYACC Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere 12 2019-04-02 17:16:07 2019-06-28 03:01:02
Corp0ne CO-Z 10 2019-06-30 19:01:10 2019-07-03 06:16:10
Volkov Building Corporation -VBC- 9 2019-05-03 00:46:09 2019-08-06 17:00:45
Hell WarsongDead WS.H 0 2019-05-01 05:31:08 2019-08-06 17:00:45
LuckyPot CNI9 30 2019-03-08 06:16:04 2019-08-09 00:15:43
Thunderstone LEISI 1 2019-05-08 16:01:10 2019-08-09 01:15:51
Hrvatska Gospodina HRVA 123 2019-05-10 14:01:09 2019-08-09 01:15:51
Hell Fuzzies HLLFZ 2 2019-07-08 14:16:11 2019-08-09 01:15:51
Imperium Romanum Logistics IMRLG 169 2019-04-24 05:16:09 2019-08-09 01:15:51
Domaca Igracica DMCIG 11 2019-07-08 14:16:11 2019-08-14 00:00:59
Moons Resources CropsDead MOCRE 0 2019-07-08 14:16:11 2019-08-14 00:00:59
Why not Serious 0.0815 4 2019-04-17 00:16:07 2019-08-14 00:00:59
Cycloidal Medication LLC PI2RX 18 2019-04-17 00:16:07 2019-08-14 00:00:59
B bOU UDyT ODHU CTAPUKU SVVF Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere 4 2019-03-02 21:16:11 2019-08-14 00:00:59
Extraordinary Danish Gents EDGEN 5 2019-04-21 05:16:10 2019-08-14 00:00:59
Always Fun Inc AL-F 4 2019-04-30 16:16:12 2019-08-14 00:00:59
All-will-pass ALL-W 17 2019-03-02 21:16:11 2019-08-14 00:00:59
Twin Oaks Valley Drug Cartel TOVDC 1 2019-04-30 16:16:12 2019-08-14 00:00:59
1-RUS-Military RUSML 1 2019-04-29 17:01:09 2019-08-14 00:00:59
PLA AssociatesDead PLA-A 0 2019-04-23 01:46:08 2019-08-26 15:31:06
Universal Luftwaffe L.U.F Solyaris Chtonium 65 2019-08-10 00:30:26 2019-11-25 20:16:04
Content Delivery Network NUAGE 2 2019-04-28 19:46:12 2019-12-08 10:12:22
PLA AssociatesDead PLA-A 0 2019-09-16 19:02:27 2020-02-23 11:01:06
Vitam et Sanguinem .PROF 5 2019-04-17 00:16:07 2020-03-31 19:00:35
Ouroboros Black Ops ISNEK 6 2020-03-29 03:46:02 2020-04-29 01:01:03
Kriegsmarinewerft AssociatesDead KMW-A 0 2019-04-05 19:00:57 2020-05-23 19:30:19
Akademia Leniwych L-E-N Mostly Newbies 11 2019-05-06 15:31:12 2021-02-27 11:15:59
Bird's Nest BN8 The.Great.Wall 21 2019-04-26 04:01:09 2021-03-23 02:00:15
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNTS Azure Citizen 32 2019-03-13 15:57:20 2021-05-07 09:45:59
Last Hope in Space LH-S Invidia Gloriae Comes 12 2019-04-01 16:46:10 2021-10-14 14:31:02
PHP MySQL NGINX Webserver Firefox EVE Onlline Twitter @wollari Facebook
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