Alliance Share

Old Sch00l
Name Old Sch00l
Ticker OLDS
Faction -
Members 72
Corporations 3
Founded 2016-04-05
AllianceID 99006327

Corporations [3]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)Super Cr3w SCR3W 41 2016-04-06 23:36:00
Pew pevv YUGOS 29 2016-04-07 17:57:00
Headhunter Treasury PRFIS 2 2020-06-09 19:01:06

Former Corporations [24]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
N0 APOLOGY .NOPE 7 2016-04-07 19:57:00 2016-06-10 22:43:36
Two and a half man TAAHM 1 2016-04-11 23:34:00 2016-06-29 22:41:10
No Laws Apply .NLA. Unforgiving. 25 2016-04-09 19:35:00 2016-11-21 20:42:05
F.A.M.I.L.Y F.M.L DarkSide. 32 2016-09-29 14:29:00 2016-11-22 21:54:06
N0 BLUZZ N0BLU 1 2016-04-05 22:24:00 2017-04-14 14:05:34
WEPRA CORP WCO 10 2016-05-28 09:27:00 2018-06-26 17:31:12
The Camel Crew T.CML 8 2018-09-16 11:00:22 2018-10-26 09:19:14
Grunf AssociatesDead TNT1 0 2018-06-26 07:16:16 2018-12-31 22:01:04
Viper-Squad -VSQ- Pandemic Horde 138 2018-10-23 17:46:09 2019-01-03 16:45:58
Those In The Basement TITB 2 2018-12-23 00:45:02 2019-01-16 23:32:15
Unwarranted ExtraditionDead X-15 0 2018-12-14 23:46:34 2019-01-22 19:01:04
Ciggy Butt Brains. CGGY 6 2018-10-20 15:47:20 2019-02-19 08:46:07
SpaceBallsBrawlsDead BALSY 0 2018-01-25 04:43:00 2019-02-28 22:31:10
Strontium Power STR7P 3 2019-01-01 02:16:50 2019-03-08 03:01:00
Self Destruct Supplys SEDSU 3 2018-12-31 20:00:42 2019-04-02 16:01:06
0.0No Money O.N.M 8 2018-12-22 14:45:18 2019-04-17 15:01:06
League Elite ELIT5 5 2019-02-07 00:46:11 2019-05-17 21:46:10
Lupus solus. UFSB 2 2018-01-20 17:44:00 2019-05-17 22:46:09
diprosopus 2FAC3 1 2019-03-14 18:46:12 2019-05-17 22:46:09
Suicidal Actions SUIAC 23 2018-12-05 22:00:29 2019-05-17 22:46:09
Tellurian Works -T.W- 13 2018-09-28 22:31:12 2019-08-12 21:01:00
Strontium Power STR7P 3 2019-04-28 12:01:12 2019-12-23 16:31:04
The Positron ANTIE 13 2017-05-30 12:56:00 2022-10-29 22:16:04
Strontium Power STR7P 3 2020-07-04 22:01:03 2023-08-24 13:01:36
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