Alliance Share

Out of the Blue.
Name Out of the Blue.
Ticker VAPOR
Faction -
Members 1403
Corporations 31
Founded 2021-05-27
AllianceID 99010877

Sovereigny Structures [18]

Region Constellation System Type ADM / Time State Next Window/Event
Region Tenerifis Constellation EIX-HK Map 5-NZNW Infrastructure Hub 2x / 20m Vulnerable 2025-03-09 20:30 (9h)
Region Tenerifis Constellation EIX-HK Map 7M4C-F Infrastructure Hub 5.8x / 58m Invulnerable 2025-03-10 23:26 (3h6m)
Region Tenerifis Constellation EIX-HK Map 8-BEW8 Infrastructure Hub 5.4x / 54m Invulnerable 2025-03-10 23:20 (3h20m)
Region Tenerifis Constellation F5-O9O Map DZ6-I5 Infrastructure Hub 2.6x / 26m Vulnerable 2025-03-09 21:32 (6h55m)
Region Tenerifis Constellation BZZ-1U Map F-ZBO0 Infrastructure Hub 2x / 20m Vulnerable 2025-03-09 20:30 (9h)
Region Tenerifis Constellation F5-O9O Map G1-0UI Infrastructure Hub 4.3x / 43m Invulnerable 2025-03-10 22:54 (4h11m)
Region Tenerifis Constellation EIX-HK Map MS1-KJ Infrastructure Hub 3.7x / 37m Invulnerable 2025-03-10 22:34 (4h51m)
Region Tenerifis Constellation BZZ-1U Map NR8S-Y Infrastructure Hub 2x / 20m Vulnerable 2025-03-09 20:30 (9h)
Region Tenerifis Constellation EIX-HK Map NZW-ZO Infrastructure Hub 4.1x / 41m Invulnerable 2025-03-10 22:48 (4h23m)
Region Tenerifis Constellation F5-O9O Map OQTY-Z Infrastructure Hub 3.7x / 37m Invulnerable 2025-03-10 22:34 (4h51m)
Region Tenerifis Constellation F5-O9O Map QCDG-H Infrastructure Hub 4x / 40m Invulnerable 2025-03-10 22:45 (4h30m)
Region Tenerifis Constellation F5-O9O Map QLU-P0 Infrastructure Hub 2x / 20m Vulnerable 2025-03-09 20:30 (9h)
Region Tenerifis Constellation F5-O9O Map R-XDKM Infrastructure Hub 2.6x / 26m Vulnerable 2025-03-09 21:32 (6h55m)
Region Tenerifis Constellation EIX-HK Map WSK-1A Infrastructure Hub 4.1x / 41m Invulnerable 2025-03-10 22:48 (4h23m)
Region Tenerifis Constellation F5-O9O Map XUDX-A Infrastructure Hub 3.2x / 32m Invulnerable 2025-03-10 22:11 (5h37m)
Region Tenerifis Constellation EIX-HK Map Y-EQ0C Infrastructure Hub 5.4x / 54m Invulnerable 2025-03-10 23:20 (3h20m)
Region Wicked Creek Constellation 4-QV2L Map F5M-CC Infrastructure Hub 1x / 10m Vulnerable 2025-03-09 16:00 (18h)
Region Wicked Creek Constellation RF9-ZU Map UY5A-D Infrastructure Hub 1x / 10m Vulnerable 2025-03-09 16:00 (18h)
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