Alliance Share

Synergy of Support
Name Synergy of Support
Ticker SYNS
Faction -
Members 1154
Corporations 41
Founded 2023-10-01
AllianceID 99012646

Corporations [41]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)SYN Support Holding SYNS- 3 2023-10-01 20:11:42
Redone Division Junior R-JUN 54 2023-10-13 23:00:52
Marauders Shadow .MA.S 241 2023-10-19 21:31:02
Space Colony's University SCG-U 33 2023-11-12 22:46:02
El clerigo CLERO 46 2023-11-18 21:15:46
Tiberian Shadow TISHA 37 2023-11-19 20:15:22
United Civilized States 0UCS0 13 2023-12-04 13:01:02
HORIZON HANDELSKONTOR HHK 30 2023-12-22 22:02:32
FriendsAndCo FAC88 10 2024-01-01 00:01:03
DontShootPlease -.DSP 1 2024-02-11 01:16:00
The Phoenix cor XTPC 22 2024-02-18 16:01:00
Gruber und Partner GmbH G.U.P 94 2024-02-19 13:01:41
Walzwerke AG WWAG 15 2024-02-23 21:31:03
Synergy of Steel Industries SYN.. 10 2024-03-18 13:30:08
Jameson Brothers Mining Inc. JAMBO 49 2024-04-06 09:46:01
Breaking B4d .B4D. 15 2024-04-08 17:01:01
SYNsup SYNSU 29 2024-05-01 20:16:04
The Flat Earthers FE-.- 8 2024-05-23 20:16:06
All Colours Are Beautiful ACA.B 6 2024-06-15 17:31:01
Marauders Logistic .MA.L 35 2024-06-19 22:01:04
MyHeads MYHEA 1 2024-07-17 16:01:02
Kelland Mining Mascopei DRILE 1 2024-07-25 22:01:06
Production and Destruction .PND. 17 2024-07-30 12:45:31
Dives Cives DI-CI 13 2024-08-22 21:16:08
Roken und Soehne GmbH ROKUS 19 2024-10-07 15:01:07
Waffenbruderschaft WFFB 2 2024-10-07 16:00:47
Lebensfroh GmbH DE-LG 8 2024-10-18 09:46:07
Corega Squad FSK60 22 2024-10-21 20:31:08
Interstellar Transports and Logistics I.T.L 8 2024-10-22 15:01:07
Intergalactic Serenity IGS 47 2024-10-22 15:01:07
leettraders LETR 1 2024-11-06 23:00:19
Aether Core Foundation .ACF. 8 2024-11-18 12:16:07
United Nations Space Exploitation Division UNED 82 2024-12-02 22:01:07
Mirror Machine II MIMA. 20 2024-12-03 00:01:08
Schrotthaendler Foederation SCHRT 3 2024-12-05 20:46:07
Warden Vanguard -W.V- 15 2025-01-08 23:31:02
BAM Logistic Services BAMLS 3 2025-01-11 16:46:01
Westcoast Mining Inc. IOWC 11 2025-02-02 14:31:02
Oro Holding O HO 17 2025-02-26 09:51:00
Cryo Cartel CRYCA 11 2025-03-02 15:46:01
Aurora Coalition ACOLA 94 2025-03-17 17:46:01

Former Corporations [23]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
El clerigo CLERO Synergy of Support 46 2023-11-16 20:46:51 2023-11-16 21:45:52
Goblin Goods Consortium G-GOB APOC Fleet Auxiliary 17 2023-10-02 22:31:01 2023-12-14 00:15:31
4NEC Holding 4NEC. The ForwaRding Agency 15 2023-11-06 21:31:02 2023-12-14 20:16:06
Corega Squad FSK60 Synergy of Support 22 2023-10-07 18:31:02 2023-12-16 12:16:05
Space Lootas ltd. SP-L0 12 2023-10-30 23:01:01 2023-12-25 11:03:18
Marauders Holding .MA.H Synergy of Steel 4 2024-03-29 22:46:03 2024-06-18 19:01:06
TM-PRODUCTION GmbH TM-PD Black Market Industry 2745 2024-05-26 10:01:08 2024-07-12 17:46:03
TM-PRODUCTIONS 03 TM-03 Black Market Industry 51 2024-06-19 11:03:27 2024-07-12 17:46:03
TM-PRODUCTIONS 02 TM-02 Black Market Industry 51 2024-06-19 11:03:27 2024-07-12 17:46:03
TM-PRODUCTIONS 01 TM-01 Black Market Industry 51 2024-06-19 11:03:27 2024-07-12 17:46:03
TM-PRODUCTIONS 04 TM-04 Black Market Industry 51 2024-06-19 11:03:27 2024-07-12 18:46:04
TM-PRODUCTIONS 06 TM-06 Black Market Industry 1 2024-06-19 11:03:27 2024-07-12 18:46:04
TM-PRODUCTIONS 08 TM-08 Black Market Industry 1 2024-06-19 11:03:27 2024-07-12 18:46:04
TM-PRODUCTIONS 09 TM-09 Black Market Industry 1 2024-06-19 11:03:27 2024-07-12 18:46:04
TM-PRODUCTIONS 05 TM-05 Black Market Industry 1 2024-06-19 11:03:27 2024-07-12 18:46:04
TM-PRODUCTIONS 07 TM-07 Black Market Industry 1 2024-06-19 11:03:27 2024-07-12 18:46:04
Stahlwerk Inc. S-WK Ligma Grindset 13 2023-10-07 20:31:04 2024-07-13 09:46:05
Hunter Squadron HU.S 8 2024-05-18 13:01:04 2024-07-13 19:01:02
Hell Log Inc .HLI. 3 2024-06-14 10:16:04 2024-07-15 15:16:04
General Dynamics Technology GD TI 7 2023-10-14 22:31:05 2024-07-31 08:00:54
Jumping A-Team J-U-T 2 2024-05-02 19:31:04 2024-08-24 09:31:04
TM-PRODUCTIONS T2-PD Black Market Industry 91 2024-05-26 10:01:08 2025-02-24 12:30:08
Redshift Horizon .-RED 52 2024-10-29 22:30:43 2025-03-16 21:30:08
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