Alliance Share

Ticker GFA
Faction -
Members 2
Corporations 2
Founded 2011-09-27
AllianceID 99001200

Corporations [2]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)ZANSTAR ZANS 1 2011-09-27 03:22:00
Body Snatchers IB6U9 1 2014-10-21 00:14:00

Former Corporations [51]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Terminal DiagnosisDead Y..ME 0 2011-09-29 05:22:00 2011-11-03 06:36:44
Jovian Legacy JOVEL 11 2011-10-01 22:18:00 2011-11-16 10:59:25
House of Kahn H.O.K 2 2011-11-07 07:25:00 2011-12-04 15:57:05
ASMODEUS INFINITE ASSMO 14 2011-11-23 00:10:00 2011-12-31 03:03:47
Kiwi's and Company BABAA 10 2011-11-26 03:58:00 2012-01-29 08:59:08
United CoalitionsDead UN-TC 0 2011-09-28 03:55:00 2012-01-30 06:50:23
Fukushima Industries FSHIN 30 2011-11-29 03:26:00 2012-02-04 09:24:51
Kraven Heavy IndustriesDead KRAHI 0 2012-01-23 23:20:00 2012-02-21 21:25:54
United CoalitionsDead UN-TC 0 2012-01-31 11:11:00 2012-03-04 14:40:05
Wicked City Excavations WCEX 9 2011-09-28 03:55:00 2012-04-14 11:23:10
Divine Mutiny CorpDead DIMUN 0 2012-05-16 02:34:00 2012-06-19 19:04:34
Weko Mundo WEKO 10 2012-03-06 23:54:00 2012-07-14 15:25:31
Shadow Jumpers -SHJ- 2 2012-08-08 15:22:00 2012-08-23 07:14:39
Swords To Ploughshares S2PS 15 2011-10-03 23:54:00 2012-09-01 23:06:52
Avatars of Amarria B4U 1 2012-08-11 02:08:00 2012-09-07 04:32:34
Avix Industries AVIX 5 2012-08-12 02:29:00 2012-09-13 23:51:18
Sirius Engineering SRNG 3 2012-08-21 06:10:00 2012-09-15 04:38:45
Swords To Ploughshares S2PS 15 2012-09-06 09:31:00 2012-10-13 03:54:51
Zero's 27 Strains I420 1 2012-10-29 00:17:00 2012-12-16 00:04:07
Races United for Science and ExplorationDead RU-SE 0 2012-12-24 00:12:00 2013-02-16 04:38:34
Body Snatchers IB6U9 ZADA ALLIANCE 1 2012-03-31 01:55:00 2013-03-04 01:36:58
Body Snatchers IB6U9 ZADA ALLIANCE 1 2013-03-09 03:04:00 2013-03-10 03:01:15
System of the SithDead .XSX. 0 2013-02-21 23:50:00 2013-03-11 16:05:11
xS A N K Ax JROMA 18 2012-10-03 07:09:00 2013-03-11 17:02:25
Zero's 27 Strains I420 1 2012-12-18 01:35:00 2013-04-04 13:12:35
M.A.R.S. Unlimited MARS8 6 2013-01-17 00:42:00 2013-05-12 09:34:41
Body Snatchers IB6U9 ZADA ALLIANCE 1 2013-03-16 13:18:00 2013-05-17 00:17:10
Australian Mining and industry Corp DEBB 5 2011-09-28 08:55:00 2013-06-05 09:18:30
Bladerunner Research and Industries BRRI 10 2011-09-28 04:55:00 2013-06-26 18:45:42
rice industriesDead RCIDS 0 2012-08-08 14:22:00 2013-07-11 21:31:56
MegaPrototechDead M3GA1 0 2013-01-05 22:41:00 2013-08-10 19:42:39
Pig CandyDead PCHOP 0 2013-08-09 23:39:00 2013-11-11 21:43:53
Eastern Empire Trading AA-EE 2 2014-02-16 23:10:00 2014-04-20 11:05:23
Organized Crayon Killers 0CK 11 2014-06-09 05:51:00 2014-06-27 15:45:32
The Adept Shadow KillersDead TASSK 0 2014-06-27 04:00:00 2014-07-01 13:47:11
Haddock Enterprises HADCK 3 2014-07-16 12:50:00 2014-08-17 03:38:51
Organized Crayon Killers 0CK 11 2014-06-29 01:25:00 2014-08-22 03:27:50
Organized Crayon Killers 0CK 11 2014-08-24 23:47:00 2014-11-06 04:41:17
Daughters of Silence 86DOS 48 2014-11-03 12:46:00 2014-11-06 08:15:05
RaVal Thyokill Industies Inc. RAVAL 33 2013-08-08 22:51:00 2014-11-08 06:23:09
Mugen Industry M.G.N 24 2012-04-16 05:15:00 2014-11-18 21:37:42
Deadly Influence DIE- 5 2012-05-02 11:17:00 2014-11-18 21:37:42
Your Fatal FlawDead Y.F.F 0 2014-06-26 05:41:00 2014-11-18 21:37:42
Trono Iluminado ELIU 2 2014-04-16 04:07:00 2014-11-18 21:37:42
The Empire's Legion T-3-L 2 2014-01-08 11:17:00 2014-11-18 21:37:42
Limit Theory LIMTH 3 2014-11-19 14:41:00 2014-11-20 04:55:10
The Adept Shadow KillersDead TASSK 0 2014-07-09 17:11:00 2014-11-22 04:33:57
Zan Industries ZAN I 10 2011-09-29 10:22:00 2014-12-06 07:41:04
True Vector IndustriesDead ESADM 0 2013-01-03 06:21:00 2014-12-08 05:19:42
LoD sov transfer LODST 4 2015-01-15 16:05:00 2015-02-13 08:06:52
Daughters of Silence 86DOS 48 2014-11-16 22:13:00 2017-09-14 07:21:19
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