Historical Moments

February 17th, 2009

I’ve recently added a history function for my evemaps. You can now rollback in time through all changes in a region. Those including  sovereignty and occupancy changes as well as contested faction warfare systems and newly placed outposts.

To give you an idea how that looks i’ve collected several battlegrounds of the last 6 month.



  • 2009-02-04 BoB’s old last day with sovereignty in their home space
  • 2009-02-05 That’s Delve without BoB holding the sovereignty
  • 2009-02-07 BoB reformed under the alliance name Kenzuku. The start of Delve War II


  • 2008-09-20 Morsus Mihi is holding during BoB’s MAX campaign
  • 2008-10-25 BoB took over NC’s Empire Pipe E-O and M-O has fallen, before BoB pulled out to attack the goons.

Vale of the Silent

  • 2008-08-26 Triumvirate’s Assault on Hydra and Pure
  • 2008-09-20 BoB was going for Pure Space
  • 2008-10-16 The fight between TRI and KITE started
  • 2008-11-10 TRI took over most stations in the Q3 Area
  • 2009-01-01 TRI pulled out. The stations are now in the hands of Majesta Empire and The Initivite.

That’s only a small part of EVE’s history and i know that anywhere in EVE happend something which you will remember for the next month, years of forever. Sadly my sovereignty archive only starts with at the end of August 2008. If you’ve a backup/archive of old sovereignty xml files i would be happy to extend my database.

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