Extended History

February 20th, 2009

I just received a copy of older sovereignty database dumps. With those dumps i could extend my history (starting from April 2008) to scroll back in the system, corp, alliance and map history. Just some alliance tickers from closed alliances are missing.

Example: Operation Tortuga (Daisho, MC, Kia, Outbreak VS BoB in Period Basis)

Many thanks to Stins for providing me the his database dump.

Moon Update:

I also added moon information about several constellations, systems and single moons to my database, which i could find on the Internet and/or those which i got from friendly capsuleers. ExBob/KenZuko was so nice to publish their directors board which also provided juicy high-end moon location, which have been waited to get imported.

Thanks to all those who’re supporting me, providing ideas, donating moonscans or donating isk.

6 Responses to “Extended History”

  1. Atraxerxes says:

    Hey what happened to the FW maps? They are no longer showing contested systems or changes in occupancy.


    • Wollari says:

      Fixed it. After implementing a occupancy history table, i made an error in the update process. I reprocess all my occupancy xml files and fixed the error. You should now see the contested systems again.

  2. woopaz says:

    Any chance you can add some form of last updated date for each region for the moon mineral scans as you add them? Maybe even a summary table similar to this page https://map.eve-rr.com/region/ where each column is the moon mineral type and the rows are the regions with mineral counts?

    • Wollari says:

      There’s no column “last updated” right now. I don’t have that much updates with moon mineral scans that a column would be useful. But i’ve an overview page for the moon minerals per region.

      Example: https://map.eve-rr.com/region/Venal/moons

      And if you scroll down the list you’ve the summary for this region.

  3. Pater Deus says:

    Congratulations on your works. You provide valuable data for all serious EVE citizens.

    I see you have a 48 hr. stat on jumps and killings. Is it possible to get this stats extended? Like, several months?


  4. Mortuis Veritatem says:

    Is where any way to watch full history of changes for alliance members , not just few weeks ago. As example i want to know how many members alliance have on 08/01/01

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