Monthly region changes

February 25th, 2009

Until now i had a small header over each region listing that show the current sovereignty changes of this day for this region. I found the today’s changes listing are completely useless, because everybody is using the normal sovereignty changes sub page. With the newly added feature that you can rollback the time for your region maps, I found out that it would make sense that you get a list of the monthly changes for you favorite home region. That’s the easiest way to get ah fast view on everything which happened after you came back from a vacation or a break.

Check it out

Sovereignty Changes in February 2009: Detorid

Sovereignty Changes in February 2009 - Detorid

Sovereignty Changes in February 2009 - Detorid

4 Responses to “Monthly region changes”

  1. Varicella Zoster says:

    I see that you have removed the footer, which used to show when the stats were last updated. I found this footer quite nice, so can we pwetty pwease have it back ? 😀

    • Wollari says:

      I just removed it from the footer. The Stats are still included in the header (in the light green bar). I thougt that’s ok because the stats were still present.

      Should I get the Stats back to the footer?

      [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

  2. Varicella Zoster says:

    Oh…. never noticed it in the header 😛

    I guess I was just so used to seeing it in the footer ;D

  3. Pronas says:

    lol same for me just notice it’ in the header !

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