February in Numbers

March 2nd, 2009

With all the action going on in February I can finally say: I  doubled the traffic and nearly the visitor count. I also passed the million page impression mark (according to webalizer)

Month Traffic Visits Pages
February ’09: 40.3 GB 205,543 1,341,424
January ’09: 19.8 GB 126,575 796,339

Anyway: I’ve to thanks again to BoB and Goons for their nice contribution to the Moon Mining Database: With the lists from the old BoB Directors Board I could updated several hundred (mostly) highend moons.

I’ve also added a new list that shows the distribution of moon minerals over all regions. It should now easy to identify which regions are rich and which one are the poorer ones. But the database is still not even close to complete. But it’s growing every week. I hope you keep up and send me nice and juicy moonscans via email or evemail.

Regional Moon Distribution

4 Responses to “February in Numbers”

  1. Killljoy says:

    You rock

  2. Ibliz says:

    Thanks for the hard work man, keep it up!

  3. velmak says:

    You did a great job, keep going!!

  4. Ullissippo says:

    Thanks for your work. It’s really a very helping tool. And since the deploiment of Apocrypha, I have so many problems with the in-game starmap, that I only use yours.

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