New EVE Online Ingame Browser

September 18th, 2009

CCP has released the first beta of their new ingame browser (called Moondoggie) which comes with the next upcoming winter expansion Dominion. According to the latest Dev Blog, it’s based on a modifcated version of the rendering engine webkit which is used by Google’s Chrome browser.

As webkit is a feature rich and complete rendering engine, you can display almost modern web pages. Moondoggie is support Javascript, CSS, SVG, etc. You can even watch movies on youpor^H^H^Htube with your ingame browser while mining or waiting for your fleet.

I already checked my evemaps and the svg rendering engine of webkit is producing good results as I would expect them from a modern web browser. I already added a quick test page for a new Radar feature that will display your current position on a map or show you system details if you’re in wormhole space. But Moondoggie is still in an early development phase.

Here are some nice screenshots who the new ingame browser and evemaps are working together.

Lets see what we can do with the new upcoming ingame browser. Any suggestions?

6 Responses to “New EVE Online Ingame Browser”

  1. Manasi says:

    I checked out my own site yesterday and that rocked. I love the new browser in game! Hopefully all these changes coming do not kill your efforts here i love the website and use it a fair bit!

  2. Zhent says:

    I have no idea what’s possible and what’s not with the hooks they’ve given you in-game in the new browser, but if you can pull the destination out of game and send it to eve-maps you could have the browser pull the route to your in-game destination?

    • Wollari says:

      Not everything is released which will make it into the ingame browser. As far as I know they’ll provide a Javascript libary to do ingame calls like “open market” or “show item”, etc… Atm the provide the same HTTP Headers with location, but i would bet that getting more ingame information then this is not planned.

      But we’ll know more tomorrow when they’re holding the Ingame Browser presentation

  3. maree says:

    Thats pure awesomesauce! Keep being awesome!

  4. Mr Garo says:

    I have been dreaming about a tool which would send the pilots current location into a 3rd party server which would then be able to print a nice map where your fleet units are located. It would help so much planning and coordinating fleet movements.

    Hopefully this would someday be possible 🙂

    – Garo

  5. SmugBaldy says:

    I’ve been wondering about the Mac client and Moondoggie. We still haven’t seen a Dominion Mac client for testing on Sisi, and Google hasn’t released Chrome for the Mac either. Could it be that the Chromium core is incompatible with the Mac and that’s what’s holding up delivery of a Mac port? I know it has its roots in Apple’s webkit, so I’m not sure what the deal is.

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