CCP nerfed the Sovereignty API

December 7th, 2009

CCP Chronotis just announced that they’ll remove the SovereignyStatus API which lists all Territorial Claim Units and Sovereignty Blocking Units.



We will be soon be removing /map/SovereigntyStatus.xml.aspx API which allows you to see the sovereignty structure status for the universe. We would like to eventually re-release it with restrictions to either the corporation or alliance owning the sovereignty structures so they can get a good overview of the status of their solar systems.

The information provided by this view was far too extensive compared to what is available ingame where you should rely on traditional scouting for this intelligence data. The ‘fog of war’ should be maintained here without having a far too revealing view through the API.

As per CCP Elerhino and Incognito’s previous responses, we will also be working on adding more relevant sovereignty APIs in the future such as the sovereignty index and changes overviews from the dashboard in related ongoing development.


In the final end this will means, the time I put into the Sovereignty Structures View was wasted. 🙁 I can understand that the API contained far too much sensitive intel informations. The first 12 hours in the onlining process of a TCU are the most critical, as the TCU is still in a vulnerable state and and can easily be destroyed by a remote repping battleship gang.

Well. Lets see what CCP’s final decision will be. Maybe the API will only get restricted and a couple of informations are not available or available only to those systems where a particular alliance has their structures in or it is getting completely removed.


The SovereignytStatus.xml.aspx API is already down. Woah, this time CCP was really fast.

8 Responses to “CCP nerfed the Sovereignty API”

  1. Ian says:

    A delayed propagation would be way more appropriate, shutting it down completely is sad.

  2. Conar Balcos says:

    ifeel with you wollari for all your hours you put into the update

  3. Alan says:

    CCP has made a poor decision on this one. What can we do to show our support for reinstating it?

  4. ZealotForHire says:

    Good decision by CCP, imho, but I also agree with Ian that a delayed propogation of the data would have been an acceptable mid-way point. If the data on when units go up/down/etc isn’t available until well after the critical moments have passed, then the fog of war is protected and the useful information is still available.

    • Wollari says:

      Yepp. As I said. I understand CCPs decision. Remove the critical informations unanchored/-ing, anchored/-ing and onlining TCUs and everythign is good. Everybody knows that if you’ve sov, you must have a TCU online anyway.

      And as far as it goes for SBU (Sovereignty Blocking Units) as soon as they get up, the alliances gets noticed anyway (via notifications).

      Just the fog of war stuff (seeing stuff where nobody has sov) is the the critical part.

      The other thing is … why did nobody at CCP realized this in before the release … i mean giving out public informations on structures when there’s no information source ingame is suspicous.

  5. TZ says:

    Well even if your in a corp/alliance… what if in a coalition?
    I hope when they revisit it that they will give a key to the leaders or members to see.

    Maybe this project is about to get more complex. Still the maps are great tool.
    Even with the changes don’t stop.

    There are some real lame actions in CCP, and the ability to see daily activity is fun.
    The removal just makes it annoying. You feel smaller….

  6. cowbert says:

    They pulled it fast because SBUs are now seeded which means sov changes can start happening immediately. It was good that people voiced their concerns about information leakage via the API prior to massive system ambushing. Remember, half these systems are probably empty for the most part except TCUs, so publically viewable TCU stats on systems makes it that much easier to plan an execute a hasty ambush, instead of having to deal with fog of war and extensive preplanning/logistical work.

  7. Aristash says:

    Only changes for changes. no game design, only economics. Its sad…

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