Bugfix Map Livestats in the Dark/IGB Theme

December 14th, 2009

Well, lets make it short. I fixed a bug where outdated stats have been shown on the IGB map version. The cache files for the dark and IGB theme didn’t got purged after new data was available. Users of the IGB Version have seen outdated numbers for jumps, kills and other live stats. The ‘default’ theme always showed the right data.

Thanks for reporting me that issue.

2 Responses to “Bugfix Map Livestats in the Dark/IGB Theme”

  1. This seems like a good place to note that links to NPC corps that own stations appear to be slightly broken. For example, look at the system page for Aporulie (https://map.eve-rr.com/system/Aporulie) and click on the link for Core Complexion. You get https://map.eve-rr.com/corp/Core_Complexion_Inc. instead of https://map.eve-rr.com/npc/Core_Complexion_Inc. so you don’t get where you intended to go.

    Also, is there a legend someplace for the API update timestamps (JKCAOFST) at the bottom of each page?

    • Wollari says:

      1) the npc corpration links are fixed

      2) if you hover over the times with your mouse cursor should get the title info (out of game) Otherwise they should be selfexplaining
      S_t_ructures / SovS_t_atus (degraded, removed by CCP)

      Perhabs I could replace the Chars with icons, but atm i don’t see the need for it.

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