More details please

May 10th, 2010

Some of you might have followed my twitter posts in the last days and realized that I was working a lot in the background. Most of the stuff was just background stuff and database preparation for upcoming future things but the most notable are those two.


  • Reintroduction of strategic levels ehm … sovereignty levels (how I’ll continue naming them)
  • Updated alliance history database (with now available graphs for system hold by strat ehm sov levels)
  • System statistics for jumps andkills (up to 30 days before I purge them)

Reintroduction of Sovereignty Levels

When dominion was launched in December, CCP removed the sovereignty levels from the API,  cause they got replaced by the new shiny index system for strategic/military/industry categories. Instead of replacing the sovereignty level with the harmless index levels, CCP introduced the sovereignty status API for sovereignty related structures but got removed a few days later … but that’s another story.

To not mess up with sovereignty database during the introduction and the pre-phase where people could move their sov stuff around without loosing their sovereignty level I decided remove them completely until CCP would introduce a Index API which never happened. Since I’m already having the date since when an alliance is holding that space I just turned it into the old sovereignty Level. (0..5 based).

Alliance History

But that wasn’t what I wanted to have in the end. So I took a copy of the sov database, deleted everything up to pre-dominion start and started to replay 7.5 GB of XML API Files which I had archived. After 2.5 hours I had a clean new shiny database with all the time-based strategic index ehm sovereignty level changes. Some more database work to merge the new changes on the alliance history database and I was nearly ready to go.

System Statistics

I know you all love statistics, especially the npc kills and  jumps which are important for the lone wormhole space tourists to check out the activity of their hidden backyard. You now have a dedicated page with all the juicy details and scroll back in time for up to 30 days, if you’re really interested on how many NPC you’ve killed per hour before you lost the system 🙂

One Response to “More details please”

  1. Anon says:

    Would it be possible to add a more customizeable stats page? Specifically, I’m really interested in looking at top 10 systems by jumps last 3hrs/24hrs, especially wormhole space.

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