Not only for your planetary invasion

June 5th, 2010

Today, I decided not to do any more feature additions which I had in my head, but rather I should start writing Patch Notes and make Screenshot of all the new features and improvements. I don’t want to stress you today too much with #walloftext,  so I just give you this handy CCP-style list in the hands. Flame on!

Live Ticker:

  • All changes in the APIs that are being tracked by DOTLAN EveMaps are now available in the new central Live Ticker.
  • Additional to the already tracked APIs (Sovereignty, Alliances, Outposts, Faction Warfare Systems), I added Corporation Changes to the overall portfolio.
  • I unpacked about 8mil stored XML Files/API Results (about 35GB), nearly 2 years of data) for Corporations and replayed them all.  Alliance data got replayed as well for completing the database.
  • The following change types are now being tracked:
    • Alliance changes their executive corporation
    • Corporation gets a new CEO
    • Corporation moves their HQ
    • Corporation changes their description, url or logo
  • You can filter the live ticker by type (Sov, Ally, …) by action (Lost, Gain, …) or filter the changes for to one of the involved entities (Alliance, Corp, System, Constellation, Region, Faction) or a combination of multiple filters.
  • RSS/Feed Support is available for all changes and filters
  • I’m already waiting when the first IRC/Jabber bots start to announce sovereignty changes in your external alliance chats.


  • Changes in the corporation that are being tracked by DOTLAN EveMaps are now stored and available (Description, Logo, Url, CEO, HQ)
  • Corporation statistics are now available (memberCount)


  • Planets in Range / Moons in Range
    • Filterable by range: Light years / by number of (gate) jumps
    • Filterable by resource type (planet type / moon mineral from DOTLAN Moon Database)
  • Jump planner: added number of gate jumps between each cyno, so your cyno pilot knows, how many jumps he has to do.


  • Added all static DED Complexes (empire and 0.0 regions) from the local cache files (client)
  • Added the newly introduced Landmarks from cache files as well (this includes the old COSMOS beacons)
  • Added a new overlay filter for the map so you can easily find landmarks close to you. For details check the updated Celestial System pages.
  • Updated layout for Celestial Objects: More Icons, DED/Landmarks, Agents and Stations orbiting their respective object.
  • Detail pages for each object (Sun/Planet/Moon/Belt) with details about mass, radius, temperature, etc.
  • Recent events per system


  • With the help of cache files and some smaller calculations I’ve assigned every Station (including Player Build Outposts) their calculated orbit object (planet/moon)
  • A lot more details could be retrieved out of the cache files (including the station description), but due to the nature of local cache files, don’t expect to get them updated frequently.


  • New map info layer have been added
    • Each planet type (Temperate, Plasma, Lava, Gas, …)
    • Static DED Complexes(imported through client cache files)
    • Landmarks and COSMIC sites (imported through client cache files)
  • Regional planet distribution (already announced and live)


13 Responses to “Not only for your planetary invasion”

  1. Brandoe Chung says:

    Great work as alway Wollari. This is like a new expansion to DOTLAN.

  2. CCP should buy you. This website is a national Eve treasure IMHO.

  3. Ting says:

    Damn, where is the Live Ticker ! I’m blind !

    • Wollari says:

      Check the RSS Ticker icon on the top right. Looks like need a new layout to get all the new functions better integrated 🙂

  4. Lasha says:

    Wollari as always with this site you excell yourself. The many hours of work you put in your really should get paid. hehe

    • Wollari says:

      Well, the hope never ends that I’ll get any kind of big rewards someday, but I doubt it.

  5. Wow, the live ticker is brilliant!

    Well done, I give you my kudos.

  6. manasi says:

    Wollari, damn man do you ever sleep? Holy crap that is a ton of work you have done man. Seriously you deserve something for all your work!

    Keep on keeping on man.

    Kudos indeed on a “expansion” of your own

  7. Haart says:

    You’re the hero.

  8. Mir says:

    Not PI related, but listing if a station is a kickout would be handy on the station list on low sec systems etc.

  9. carved says:

    perfect, danke für deine mühe arbeit und zeit die du in dieses project investierst.

  10. Vihr says:

    Very well done man.. You’re awesome.. I seriously hope you’re getting some kind of remuneration for all the work you’re doing..

  11. Magus Intaki says:

    I just stumbled across this site the other day and I would like to say that it is pretty amazing.

    I also was wondering if there are XML files available that contain the information your map displays or if you’re just polling from CCP’s public APIs..

    After seeing your maps, I think a mash-up of your maps along with the market data that sites like eve-central harvest would be awesome 🙂

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